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Mr. "S"

Known as the superior sentry, golden golem of New York & the world's first superior hero, Mr. "S" is a complicated hero whose history is as open to interpretation as his powers. Regardless, this beacon of hope and justice is the defender of the weak against his arch nemesis: Fearmonger & his Society of Fear.


Born as Jonathan Renowsky to a pair of Jewish immigrants from Zaolzie, Czech Republic in 1918. His father, a coal mine foreman, and his mother, a seamstress, fled to America for a better life post-WWI and to escape the quarreling between the four factions vying for control of the region.

Arriving in New York, the Renowskys moved into the budding Jewish community in the Lower East Side. Working their way up from nothing, the day the family bought their own dress shop was the day Jonathan's father vowed "never to get caught in another man's quarrel."

Growing up, Jonathan didn't have many friends. One day, he saw an unusual man drop a green amulet on the floor of his parents' shop. Rushing to return it, he saw his next door neighbor: Herbert Egostein getting attacked by a group of bullies. Ignoring his father's mantra, Jonathan jumped in to save Herbert.

However, he found the amulet gave him super strength. Bonded by this experience, Herbert and Jonathan became best friends as well as superhero and sidekick.

Together, they would defend their neighborhood from anti-semites in 1930s Manhattan as The Emerald Lad and Kid Ego (under protest from Jonathan). As they got into high school, they vowed to stay together and go to college together. Even if Jonathan had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.

Kidnapping of Herbert Egostein:

One night in 1935, a large mob attacked their neighborhood. Fending them off, Jonathan followed the mob to the docks where he confronted the shady ring leader. However, he was soundly defeated even with the power of his amulet.

In an attempt to save him, Herbert was kidnapped by the ring leader who called himself "Fearmonger" and set sail in a freighter bound for England.

After recovering from his injuries, Jonathan scrapped together what money he had to charter passage over to England to find his friend.

Founding of Sierra Squad & WWII:

Once in pre-WWII England, he uncovers the depth of Fearmonger's operation and, with the help of a few other lost souls like him, they defeated Fearmonger and his lieutenant Billy the Blindfold. However, they managed to escape before Jonathan could apprehend them.

Realizing the group's potential, the Allies put together Sierra Squad: a group of other superior-powered people to act as a mobile strike force with Jonathan as their commander.

During the war, their primary goal was to discover the identity of the group supplying the Axis will super weapons and unusual phenomenon. This group turned out to be the Society of Fear, run by a re-emerged Fearmonger.

Comic History:

After WWII, Jonathan unlocked the full potential within him and became the world's first natural EPI or Empowered Individual and gained acclaim as the world's most powerful hero Mr. "S": Leader of Sierra Squad.

The squad would have a complicated history as a branch of the US military (see Comic Book Eras of Sierra Squad). Jonathan would remain the leader of the Squad for its entire history.

The Great Pneumonic Plague of 1984:

As the years dragged on, Jonathan never aged physically; appearing to be in his twenties for Squad's 80 operating history. However, his mind began to age horribly.

It wasn't until he stepped down as CEO of Superior Corp. and his love interest Valfreyja the Warrior Queen was exiled from Earth in 1984 that Jonathan's mental state would be damaged beyond repair.

In an unintentional burst of energy, Mr. "S" erased the world's collective memory of the squad and all other superior heroes. Everyone now believed EPIs and heroes with powers only ever existed as intellectual properties and comic book heroes.

It's for this reason, and the fact the management company who acquired Superior Corp sold off all the squad eras to different companies to avoid bankruptcy, that the name (Mr. "S") is universally used to refer to the hero Jonathan Renowsky was.

After Houndsmoth:

It wasn't until the release of Superior Force: The Movie that Mr. "S" would return to the public light.

Secret Identity: Jonathan Renowsky

Ability to use any power he's ever witnessed

Affiliated Organizations
: Hometown: Manhattan, New York, USA

Age: 100

Nationality: Jewish


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