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The malevolent and faceless antagonist of Mr. "S", Fearmonger represents the power that fear has over Jonathan Renowsky and society. Not as an enemy that could be exterminated. But as an ever-present element that influences all of our decisions.

However, Mr. "S" continues the fight against Fearmonger all the same, like Sisyphus pushing his boulder. Similar to the struggle between Silas Yamane & Mr. Houndsmoth.


Being the embodiment of fear, Fearmonger orchestrates the events that have led up to the world's greatest social upheavals, including WWI & WWII.

Instead of marshaling armies like a conquerer, Fearmonger and his lieutenant Billy The Blindfold would influence events in order to sow fear throughout the populace. Rather than Fearmonger outright starting WWII, it's the governments of the world that started WWII to protect themselves from their own fears.

After WWI and witnessing Jonathan Renowsky (as Emerald Lad), Fearmonger was the one responsible for kidnapping Herbert Egostein and setting Jonathan Renowsky on his path to becoming Mr. "S".

Fearmonger fed off Jonathan's fear to manipulate him. Eventually getting him captured and thrown in a special "work camp" to keep him out of his war.

Unaware, Fearmonger threw Jonathan in with the future members of Sierra Squad.

After escaping the camp, Fearmonger recruited villains from around the world to be in his Society of Fear to "divide-and-conquer" the squad. However, Fearmonger's efforts to stop the heroes only made him a bigger target for the Squad and the Allies.

After being defeated by Sierra Squad, Fearmonger tells Jonathan he doesn't know where his friend is currently. And just like Herbert, Mr. "S" will never see his face again as Fearmonger vows Jonathan will never see him again, even as the villain takes everything he holds dear.

After he makes his vow, Fearmonger and Billy the Blindfold vanish.

Sierra Squad:

For the rest of the Squad's history, Mr. "S" spends the decades trying to find Fearmonger and bring him to justice.

Unaware every move Mr. "S" makes against Fearmonger, only plays him further into his hand while falling victim to the permeating fear of each decade (see Comic Book Eras of Sierra Squad).

After the squad was dissolved and sold off piecemeal as intellectual properties, Fearmonger's image was changed out to be a more marketable stock villain in the preceding comics and was forgotten by time. 

Secret Identity: N/A

Powers fueled by the collective fear surrounding it: super strength, creating hallucinations, use of shadows to travel/hide, and sharing strength to his/her's minions  

Affiliated Organizations:
  • Society of Fear
  • Nazi Party
Hometown: N/A

Age: N/A

Nationality: N/A


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