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On every planet that exists in the universe, there is a winter.   On Mudewei, winter is a thing to flee, if you live far north enough.   The Stenza flee.   Although what used to be the simple push south had become an elaborate, planned departure in hulking clan ships, they still flee. So the very basics of it remain the same. And halfway through their journey, when they know the night on Mudewei is the coldest and darkest it will be all year, there is a celebration.


In ancient times, Stenza would celebrate reaching their destination every winter by throwing a feast with the remains of their stores of meat gathered along the journey, along with 'Alashaia fruits from Sandibari-controlled forests. Many clans poured a libation to the Snow Pup Migration before any feasting and partying could start, to show thanks for a successful journey. Other clans did similar to the Pup Hunter, as thanks for successful kills along the way in order to feed everyone.   Many of these traditions carried over into the age of common space travel despite the fact that food is now stored (and stores periodically refreshed due to the continuing pup raids) aboard clan ships. Almost always, the party is kicked off with the above-described libations, as well as recounting the year's great deeds as done by clan members and the leader, whomever that happens to be at the time. Many people consider it rude to begin any other way, even if they have forgotten why (or expressly don't believe such things).


The midpoint of the journey coincides with the northernmost borders of the Sandibari Forests, and the completion of The Greeting on part of the Sandibari who live there.   Simultaneously or shortly afterward, Stenza ambassadors greet Sandibari welcoming committees, and trade fresh 'Alashaia fruits for measures of Migration's Toast and 'Alashaia Hot Cider, as well as stories and the latest news. Most of the fruits are prepared for transport back up north to be frozen and thus preserved.   Once this point has been reached, the bravest in any Stenza clan or group of clans (depending on clan size) help pitch a fire, with which to prepare food (although raw food is perfectly acceptable for the Stenza palette, periodically food needs to be cooked, or more often, fatty substances rendered and clarified, processes which make ale and the preparing of certain dishes much easier). While most Stenza give this fire a wide berth, one individual approaches bearing a bone vessel, carved earlier in the year, most likely during or shortly after hunting season, for this exact purpose. (Note: It is considered "good faith" to prepare the bone vessel as well as possible, such that if and when it breaks, it is a more accurate read on any spirit presence.) Within the bone vessel is a measure of Migration's Toast. The person with the cup says a verse, frequently offering thanks for protection and guidance along the journey and a hope for the same when it is time to return home, and concludes with "Ȟây’eṣtîkoyæ’!" almost invariably. The measure is poured into the flames and the cup set on the lip of the fire (and it is considered an omen if the cup cracks or even shatters, although whether the omen is good or bad is up for debate).   Storytelling is very prevalent around this time, and is encouraged to keep people from wandering off in the middle of the wilderness (although it has been consistently found that when pups wander off due to their innate curiosity, they are invariably returned). One genre of story, frequently Khe'drakha, is a recounting of the great deeds prominent Stenza figures have achieved that year (some of which get incorporated into a clan's broader hero mythos in later years).   Finally, after up to twenty days (two weeks by Stenza reckoning), preparations may be made for the return journey.   When clan ships are involved, while more time may be spent on the festivities and food can be properly stored without worry of spoilage, many still keep to the twenty-day timetable, although the return trip is much faster in a ship. Additionally, 'alashaia fruits grown in the forest habitations on other ships are transported to clan ships for their traditional uses (and many such fruits are also brought out of storage). (It should be noted that those who migrate in the old ways still adhere to all of the above.)


Midwinter falls in the middle of the Migratory season. While it once marked the end of a long travel period and a rest before preparing for the journey back home, in the age of easy access to space travel and the subsequent conquest of other planets, Midwinter marks a kind of break in the raiding season of the Stenza (the period of the year when they are most active in their various conquests). Many martial activities are halted in order to honor Migration, Hunter, and others in the traditional manner. (That being said, Infantry Drones remain active throughout the duration of the festivities, carrying out their orders.)
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Jun 26, 2021 23:24 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of the Leader recounting the year's deeds.

Jun 26, 2021 23:57

Usually there are things worthy of being recounted.   Usually.