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Meran desert

A desert formed during the sidhe wars, covering the ancient elven city of Eldarim. As a result of the curse lying on this land it is unusually hostile to life.


The desert is simply a vast swathe of sand. Water seems to disappear into it and the sun beats down with a baleful intensity. The parching winds that whirls across the desert lash the skin with sharp grains of sand and when sandstorms emerge they are lethal. At its far south perched at the edge of unassailable cliffs is the library of Meranmel. It was spared Terranon’s wrath by the strange properties of space and time within it.

Fauna & Flora

The desert is hostile to all living creatures, only the most hardy creatures survive. The deserts brutal environs have no effect on the undead. The sand is solid under their feet and the desert winds merely a gentle breeze instead of the blizzard of glass sharp sand it is for all living creatures.

Natural Resources

The desert itself is baren but much in the way of riches lies in the ruins buried beneath.


The Meran desert was once the city state of Eldarim, they produced the finest of elven wines, and their greatest music, they also had orchards of pale wood with which the finest musical instruments ans ships were made.
After the city fell once the iron legion had turned on the elves Terranon destroyed the land that the legion had hoped to capture. And cursed it so that they would never be able to.
Alternative Name(s)
The desert of Eldarim
Location under
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