Dreadfort Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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The Dreadfort was built by the kingdom of Thedas in the year 870 as a frontier fortress to keep the undead hordes of Gorgorath at bay. Back then it was called Tor Eren, but that name was lost when the kingdom of Thedas fell to the Girger in 1193. The fortress was built of solid sandstone and was built on a rocky slope, resulting in a layered fortress.  


In the ages after this cataclysmic event the fortress was abandoned and fell into ruin. When Necromancers once more flocked to Gorgorath in the following centuries, some also took residence in the abandoned fortress. Notable among them is the band led by a necromancer named Irutaz. He had fallen out with his brethren at Gorgorath and took up residence in Tor Eren to reside closer to the terrible magic powers that emanated from the curse that formed the Red Waste. Over the years he studied these magics, but due to the fortress proximity to the Red Waste, he too was affected by the curse. Eventually the world of the living and the dead were merged within him and he became a creature only known as the Dreadlord, corrupting the lands surrounding the keep. It was during these times that local orc and wilding tribes started calling the lone fortress by its contemporary name: the Dreadfort.  

Night's Watch

After the defeat of Uruk in The First Great Wilderness Expedition the fortress was first noted by The Night's Watch led by Marcus Vardenfell. He allied with the druids that reside in the Northern Wilds to drive out the Dreadlord. Combining the martial prowess of the Night's Watch and the healing, natural magics of the druids they succeeded in defeating the Dreadlord and curbing the corruption. It is said however remnants of Irutaz's spirit still roam the keep, as his spirit was bound to the place during the centuries he housed there. No distinct proof of this has yet been discovered though. Now the fortress functions as the easternmost outpost of the Night's Watch and a first line of defense against any threats coming from the Red Waste.
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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