The First Great Wilderness Expedition Military Conflict in Mundus | World Anvil
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The First Great Wilderness Expedition

After the Battle of Longfields, the Night's Watch turned away from the conflicts of the great Kingdoms of the Westfork and returned to its original purpose of battling the forces of the Wild. Finding his troops depleted from the war, the newly appointed Lord Commander Marcus Vardenfell allied himself with the Jarls of Windhelm and Ironheim, though not without conflict. With their combined might they marched on the Wildlings, let by the Angmarian Uruk. As Uruk's alliance with the Wildlings and neighbouring orc tribes had fallen apart after his latest failed attempt of invading the Westfork, the host of Marcus Vardenfell was capable of driving back his forces. In this effort they conquered and founded an old keep of the Kingdom of Mazaar, which they dubbed Starkhaven after the famed chaptermaster and Lord Commander Eduard Stark. Later they defeat Uruk and conquer his tribe's home Orcia, leading to purification of the Dreadfort at the edge of the Red Waste. By defeating Uruk, Marcus Vardenfell gained the title of Angmarian slayer.
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