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Morgain Davros


Morgain Davros is the second child of Ulthar Davros, a wealthy merchant from the city of Luthetia. As the second child he searched for a career on the mercantile and military vessels of the city state in the south of Myrtana. Throughout his careers he has shown an aptitude for naval combat and sailing. With help from the trade establishment of his father he soon rose in the ranks of the local notables. At the age of 30 he became admiral of the fleet, which was in a sorry state. Not soon after his promotion, Grand Duke Appius Angelos struck a trade deal with The Night's Watch to supply it with wood to enlarge the fleet, raising Morgain's position in prestige.   When the fleet was largely ready, Appius Angelos died of a sudden sickness. On his death bed he assembled a council of notables, among which were many professors of his College. This technocracy was appointed with the supreme rule over the city state. As chief admiral, Morgain was an advisor to this council. Appius' nephew, Othello Angelos captain of the City Guard, felt he had a better claim to the right to rule the city. This led to a clash and a standoff in the city between forces loyal to the technocratic council and Othello. Morgain stayed loyal to the wishes of his former master and joined his considerable forces to the council.    Boris Redcliff tried to take advantage of the civil war and marched an army to the city. As most forces were standing off against eachother in the city, Redcliff succeeded in sneaking into the city and unleashed his tactical genius and ruthless forces on the city. He murdered Othello and executed most of the technocratic council and took the city after a few days of street fighting and looting. Morgain, seeing the defense of the city was lost, sailed his remaining marines and ships out of the harbour.    When William Longblade came to drive Redcliff out of the city a few weeks later, Morgain joined his forces. As the Night's Watch troops assaulted the walls, Morgain launced an amphibious landing in the harbour of the city. This proved too much for Boris' forces. Despite putting up stark resistance, his forces were defeated and the 81 year old man was captured. This victory led to a peace deal, leaving Morgain Davros, quite unexpectedly, as the most senior officer in the whole city.  


Morgain is a skilled sailor and commander of men. He fights with a sword and has an aptitude for the management of businesses. 


Morgain is proud of his Luthetian heritage and is a cunning and tactical man. He takes his time to devise a plan before rushing into things. He can keep a cool head and can seem a bit stand-offish. 


Morgain believes in the strength of Luthetia and its institutions. 


Morgain is loyal to his family and his city.


Morgain isn't a great visionary. He was used to following orders for a long time, before taking on command. 


Year of Birth
1422 3E 48 Years old


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