Orcia Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Orcia used to be the capital encampment of Uruk's horde. As his orc tribes mostly adhered a nomadic lifestyle Orcia was the only permanent settlement in his realm. Here the tribes met when summoned to parlay about war or expeditions westward, like the Great Wild Incursion. In the The First Great Wilderness Expedition The Night's Watch struck back and conquered the settlement.   Situated on a hill it is defended by little more than a simple stone fortification. Within those walls however bustling markets are situated. As the main settlement in the north-east of The Watchlands it is the main market for the lumberjacks, farmers and shepherds that settle those lands. As a settlement it is unique in the Watchlands, because it houses both Orcs and Humans. As the starting point of the Great Eastern Highway it has also gained renown as a waystop for traders.
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