Great Wild Incursion Military Conflict in Mundus | World Anvil
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Great Wild Incursion

In 1377 the Angmarian orc warlord Uruk succeeded in forging a particular strong alliance of the orc and wilding clans of the Northern Wilds. He led this host westwards and quickly stamped over any resistance he came across. The Night's Watch and the Jarls of Ironheim and Windhelm were forced to retreat behind their walls, as they could not stand against this mighty horde. Uruk dispatched part of his force to siege the humans into submission and started to plunder and march further westwards, toward the Falklands. Here he razed the city of Denerim.   In the meantime the Kingdom of Gotha had started to muster the royal army at Falcon's Peak. King Ulthar III had sent his young son Aegon II Strongborn and his brother Holgunn I Strongborn forward to oversee the mustering. In the meantime he tended to organize reinforcements from Whiterun. Uruk had however learnt from the mustering from his tortured captives and decided to march on the ill-defended ramparts, before the force would grow to strong for him to best. Aegon and Holgunn were in for a desperate fight, but because of their resolve their men held fast, beating back every wave of the Angmarian invaders. They held off the orc warlord long enough for the reinforcements from Whiterun to arrive and drive the invaders back over the plains, slaughtering many. Aegon rode with them and helped free the cities of Edaur, Rhudaur and the Falklands, gaining enormous respect among the locals.   After the defeat Uruk's alliance fell apart and the orc warlord retreated to his keep at Orcia. In honour of this victory Ulthar III renamed Falcon's Peak to Aegon's Hold, even though Holgunn had added to the victory much more.

The Conflict


The battle of Aegon's Hold.
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Victory for Gotha


the Federation of Orc and Wildling clans

Led by





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