Red Waste Geographic Location in Mundus | World Anvil
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Red Waste

The Red Waste is a vast desert which spans large portions of the The Wilds. This large stretch of sand reaches from Vesul in the north to the Yokuda Empire in the south. Underneath the desert lies the vast dwarven city of Mazaar.   The Red Waste came into existence after a war between the Kingdom of Thedas and the Kingdom of Mazaar against the necromancers of Gorgorath lasting from 1168 to 1193. A terrible necromancer, named the Girger, cursed the lands of Thedas and Mazaar when he faced losing that war. This curse turned the inhabitants to undead and turned the once fertile kingdom of Thedas into arid deserted land.   In these days the Red Waste forms a natural barrier between The Night's Watch and the kingdom of Tulbuk. It has gotten easier to cross the desert after Marcus Vardenfell lifted the curse upon this land. Ever since the desert has slowly been reclining.   Within the desert many old Thedasian ruins are situated. From time to time these are uncovered by the shifting sands or nosy excavators.


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