Yokuda Empire Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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Yokuda Empire

The Yokuda Empire has existed within the Yokuda mountains for centuries. To the west it is bordered by the orc Kingdom of Orsinium and to the east by the orc Kingdom of Tulbuk. The leader of the Yokuda people is a dynastic emperor.   The Yokuda people are a proud people who are led by strict honourbound aristocratic elite. These houses have often vied for power in the Empire. Recently the Empire was shaken by the Nordmarian invasion of Azhidal. To this invasion they lost most of their eastern lands. In fact, the Gates of the Lily now form its eastern border. A border which is a frequent subject of assault.   The Yokuda people inhabit a mountaineous region rich in iron and coal. They also used to live on money taxed on the trade route which leads through their land from Mournhold to Orsinium. From the iron and coal the Yokudas forge their iconic katana blades.

Honour to glory

Geopolitical, Empire


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