Rhaegar Strongborn Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Rhaegar Strongborn

Rhaegar Strongborn was the third son to king Varric I Strongborn of the Kingdom of Gotha and Elsa Windlake. He stood out from his brothers, who were both Dragonborn, by his adeptness in the arts of magic. After the death of his father and the succession of his brother Ulthar III to the Gothic throne, he vanished. What had become of him is unknown, but what is known are the terrible events of return.   When Eric Strongborn reinstuted the kingdom of Gotha in 1398, the only thing keeping the Jarls and The Night's Watch together was his personality and family honour. Rhaegar had learnt of his nephew taking the throne and envied his position. For this he returned to Gotha and in 1412 assassinated the young king using his powerful magics gained by the passing of Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion Coldharbour. Rhaegar was hunted, but eventually took his refuge at the Wayspire. Here he was besieged by the Night's Watch and its mages, until eventually he was slain by Eric's former bodyguard Sir Sebastian.
1347 3E 1412 3E 65 years old


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