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Session VIII: The Treasure of Sloniz Report

General Summary

The Night of the Murder

The Aftermath

After having killed Sloniz, the adventurers hear Quartermaster Jens shouting in the distance that rebels have assaulted Sloniz. The adventurers respond by creating a backdoor exit in the hut's wall, while Oswald Fleetfeet casts Invisibility on himself. They safely escape the hut to hear Jens exclamating the heroes have killed off the rebels assaulting Sloniz. The adventurers come out of hiding and join the goblins in their celebrations, as Jens starts to pass out reefers and rolls out barrels of wine.  

The Party

Nalan smokes one to many reefers and is kind of absent for the remainder of the time. The rest talk with the goblins and join in on the celebrations. Especially Balin Thornbow drinks a bit too much and while drinking cheerful he meets Rognaz. They bury the hatchet although it remains a bit awkward between the two. In the meantime, Tristan Zabaleta is talking to Jens about an additional reward. Jens promises them a warg he can deliver in 2 days. Furthermore, he asks the adventurers to reason with Zulk the Wise to not wage war against the Shire of Sloniz, to which the adventurers agree. Oswald decides to check up on Shluk who joins the party after a bit of whining. While drinking Balin hears of a supposed treasure Sloniz has left behind and that Marshal Jakob has taken some men to search for the treasure. Sharing this information with his comrades, Oswald starts scanning the Diary of Driamzos for information on this treasure. Much to his surprise, he is able to find a record on the supposed treasure after scanning the diary for 15 minutes. The record states Sloniz hid his treasure near the refuge he goes to for prayer to his deity.  

The Scent of Treasure

The adventurers decide to descent the ladder in the weedfields to check whether they possibly missed something in Tovzol's former chambers. Balin, Oswald and Nalan check the rooms to hear two bugbears in the distance being intimate and decide to turn around and climb the ladder again.   After discussing a strategy, they decide to talk to the guard they met earlier, Sjors, about the location Sloniz used to pray. Sjors agrees to tell them, if they win a game of 21-dice. They accept the challenge and easily defeat Sjors in the effort, who shares with them there is a shrine to the south of the village, approximately an hour walk from the village. The adventurers decide to first take a Long Rest before venturing onwards.  

The Shrine to Sanguine

Around 1 pm the adventurers start travelling to the shrine. On the road, Tristan discovers tracks of a cart leading to the Shrine. After around 50 minutes walking, they reach the shrine: a small lake with an isle, which can only be reached by a wooden walkway if you don't want to get wet. On the island there is a large altar with a statue of Sanguine, in addition to a hole filled with warm water with 3 women awaiting the adventurers. They call out to them, to join them in the baths. Although distrustful, the adventurers cross the walkway to the island, when Balin certainly feels the urge to strip naked and relax with the girls in the bathtub. Tristan no longer trusts this and looses an arrow on one of the girls, who transforms into a Dremora. Shortly after, Tristan feels the same urge and joins Balin in the bathtub. An epic conflict follows, in which both Balin and Tristan near death as they are introduced to the Succubi's Draining Kiss ability. This leaves them at 8-9 HP maximum, removing the earlier Charms from Tristan. In the end, the adventurers are victorious but not before Balin has thrown all his weapons in the lake. The adventurers Shortly Rest, before exploring the island further.  

The Treasure

Balin decides to start looking for his weaponry, while the others continue scavenging the island for the supposed treasure. They find a large red gem situated in the statue's crest, as well as a hidden stone door with Daedric markings around it. On further inspection, they discover the Daedric Alphabet is found on the door and enter the name "Sanguine", after which Nalan is hit with 3d8 lightning damage. Next, Oswald & Tristan decide to switch the statue's red gem with a stone of equal weight, in which they succeed. Balin has at this point found most of his weapons, all but his beloved crossbow Bianca. Suddenly they hear a shouting voice in the distance "Hand over the treasure boys and you will not be harmed". Turning around, they discover Marshal Jakob and 4 goblins pointing their ranged weapons at them. The goblins lose their arrows on them and manage to knock both Tristan & Balin unconscious. Oswald fries multiple goblins using his Firebolt. Nalan goes to the rescue with his Lay on Hands, but in the meantime Oswald is brought unconscious by catching an arrow as well. Tristan relieves Oswald from his injuries using his Cure Wounds and the adventures start their pursuit on the fleeing Jakob. Jakob remains firing his crossbow from the woods at them and he seems to escape from the adventurers' grasp. With a miraculous shot however (the rolls was made both with disadvantage and against an AC of 22 due to three quarter cover, Balin hits Jakob who releases his final breath. The adventurers celibrate on their victory, keep the gem containing Sarados's soul and open the hidden stone door by entering "Sarados". Behind the door they find a small dungeon with a chest holding 300 gold coins.

Rewards Granted

  • Ruby Soul Gem containing Sarados's soul 
  • 300 gp
  • Character(s) interacted with

    The adventurers talked to Rognaz, Quartermaster Jens and Sjors. They killed Marshal Jakob in the final battle for the treasure.

    Created Content

    Shrine to Sanguine in the jungles of Rhunaar
    The Island of Runaar
    Tristan Zabaleta
    Level 5 Human Neutral Ranger (Monster Slayer)
    / 38 HP
    Oswald Fleetfeet
    TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
    wizard 5
    26 / 26 HP
    Report Date
    21 Aug 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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