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Session XLVIII : In Battle lies Resolve Report

General Summary

A Battle of Life and Death

Oswald Fleetfeet is faced with a difficult choice to save his friend Nalan from certain peril. They recount their most valued experiences together while a cloud of smoke apparates: Oswald then cuts his left hand with a shadow-formed knive from Pavor. His left arm begins to dissipate in a cloud of smokes as Nalan regains 10d12 of HP with his sacrifice. Both still Invisible through Oswald's spell, they decide to make a run for it with Nalan having a brittled arm and broken legs and Oswald in loss of his left arm.   As they run towards their allied army, Oswald spots a dwarf he recognized upon the rubble that just landed on the field: his friend Balin Thornbow. They make their way towards there as the Crucible Knight sprouts wings from his back to chase his foes to death. Through chance, this Skysweep hits Nalan making him aware of his presence. While Rosar & John Doe start the pursuit from the north-east, they throw a boulder towards the Crucible Channeler, who after being hit decides to seek cover in the tower. Balin emerges from the rubble and begins firing rampage on the knight, causing him to move towards him. Balin being distracted for helping his friends, did not perceive Bokun approaching from the rear who fails to Blind his nemesis with a poisoned spear throw. He rides his white Warg to battle his marked nemesis. Before being able to properly engage in combat however, the Knight emerges a radiant tail from his back to knock the warg, Bokun and Balin prone. Before continuing his assault however, Nalan unleashes a taunting scream causing the knight to switch focus.   Meanwhile, John has approached with Rosar to aid his allies unleashing sword strikes and thrown boulders. Oswald sees Nalan without a weapon to fend for himself as the Channeler move in towards him and decides to throw Nalan's Spiritual Weapon towards him. Bokun stands up and unleashes a beserk-like bash with his club causing the earth to tremor by his Giant Bone Maul. After succesfully evading Bokun's crushing stomp, Balin stands up firing a powerful bolt into Bokun's chest and chaining him to the ground. Using his Surging resourcefulness, Balin aims his crossbow against Bokun's chin launching his head far into the air while leaving his body chained to the ground, thus ending his nemesis. Bokun's warg however quickly jumps to avenge and downs Balin to fend for his final breaths.   Nalan staves off the Crucible opponents with little offensive power and only the shield and Spiritual Weapon to defend himself with. Rosar & John close the gap and make their way to aid Balin with a healing potion to save him from an early demise. Nalan, Rosar, Oswald and John manage to defeat the knight crushing his head partially in his helmet. The Channeler found grieving uses his diamond to Revivify his fallen comrade but to no avail, as Nalan manages to wreck his head once more. It then does not take long for the adventurers to dispatch of the Channeler with the adventurers emerging victorious and all alive, be it less-limbed. Balin & Oswald then together take up Bokun's heavy club to crush his skull once and for all to ensure he will not return to life.   Heavily wounded, they scavenge equipment from their fallen foes and make way to their allies to heal most of them back to full health and causing them to level up #LEVEL 8. With Rosar joining in the battle, it remains uncertain how the conflict between Aard and Rosar will resolve.   The following items were scavenged and/or equipped:
  • Demon Armor scavenged from the Crucible Knight. Nalan decides to wear this plate armor before undergoing surgery to remove the Lyrium crystal embedded in him, making it near impossible to remove in the future.
  • Magic Ore Longsword (+1/+1) scavenged from the same Crucible Knight now worn by Balin.
  • A Magic Ore Mace (+1/+1) scavenged from the Crucible Channeler.
  • Bokun's Giant Bone Maul worn by Balin to celebrate the demise of his nemesis.
The Island of Runaar
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
John Doe
Lawful Neutral Wood Elf (Inheritor)
Ranger 6
63 / 63 HP
Report Date
03 Jan 2023
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