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Session XXXII : The plot unravels Report

General Summary

High Stakes

The battle between the adventurers and Zulk's Uthramian lackeys continues in the dark smoke with the Capra Demon wrecking havoc on Balin Thornbow. It is Oswald Fleetfeet who allows Nalan to use a leave lf their artifact reclaimed from the Shire of Sloniz : the Sanguine Rose. With its power a Dremora Caitiff is conjured to aid them to victory. Although the battle seemed brim, they manage to eradicate the Uthramians and the goblins that engulved them after the dropping of the Fire Wall.   Having dealt with their immediate foes, the adventures seek a way out of the lion's den. They quickly discover the main door was sealed from the outside and decide to pursue Zulk's tracks. With their conjured ally acting as trap bait, they enter the familiar room of Zulk's study. Balin looks through the opened window allowing him to get a quick sight of Zulk's walled garden before being greeted by three Hobgoblins arrows drawn. They do a quick rummage througj Zulk's book cases before the inquisitive John Doe discovers a secret lever opening a metal hatch in a corner of the room. The narrow hall with no light ensures Oswald leads the way into the dungeon. He sends out a Fire Bolt to be greeted by a familiar voice "So you've found me". The latch closes behind Oswald as he perceives what to be Zulk standing on a wooden plateau preparing some sinister brew. Deeply panicking, Nalan manages to open the hatch with brute force to marge on Zulk. Oswald freezes Zulk in time shortly but not long enough to stop him from dropping the final ingredient into the kettle.   With fumes erupting from the kettle, the adventurers charge in to battle Zulk. Before Balin downs Zulk with a single arrow, Zulk manages to put on some sort of respirator. The adventurers manage to collect Zulk and some of his possessions before fleeing the scene, with some of them gravely weakened by the sleeping fumes. Surfaced from Zulk's dungeon they wake the once proud goblin who commands the hobgoblins in the garden to stand down, but not before they scream Zulk is alive and captured. The adventurers climb the garden wall to discover Bokun marches with the troops on them. On the other side, they find a war troll under Zulk's command. Keeping Zulk as hostage they start negotiations.   Zulk tells them an attack on their mansion is imminent if he does not intervene and stresses he was pushed by the Uthramians into these vile actions. Although not really persuaded by his words, they accept to free Zulk after he safely escorts them to his mansion. Zulk concurs and they agree to meet that evening on the northern bridge. Before meeting with Zulk, the adventurers inform Aard of their findings who says he'll support them should open conflict erupt.   With a Short Rest completed, the adventurers meet with Zulk under the cover of darkness. Nalan demands he can cast his Zone of Truth on Zulk to have an actual honest conversation. Zulk accepts but demands he can cast his own Zone of Truth as well. With both parties obliged to speak the truth the conversation erupts:
  • Zulk shares he was truly surprised by their reveal on Vex residing in the deep catacombs of the Conflux Mountain. This brought doubt to his actions and his allies.
  • The adventurers admit they do intend to keep Zulk alive for the time being.
  • Zulk shares he did not speak with Sabulah recently and was merely ordered by the Uthramians to advance the council meeting. He also did not know that Sabulah was in truth a half dunmer and the sister of Vex.
  • Zulk does expres his willigness to go to war on the mountain should the need arise. He does mention however the Uthramians are very strong and dug in their keep's defenses. He thinks of potential allies on the island: the Witch of the Bog, the lich Thorlok, the Orcs of Drumak.
  • Zulk shares that the Uthramians went into the dark forest in search of the ancient druid living there.
  • In total, this leads the adventurers to the conclusion two of the three blood seals must have been broken by the Uthramians. The dwarven seal of Grond and the dunmer seal of Utherim. The human seal of the Gundyr king is likely to still stand however.
  • The adventurers need to warn Captain Lennard Rye at Gnel's Hold, since the the Scorpions will likely take action after they are informed of the Uthramians' failure in Ban Grond.

Rewards Granted

  • 1st level scrolls: Bless, Beast Bond, Charm Person, Entangle, Hex
  • 2nd level scrolls: Crown of Madness, Gust of Wind, Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing
  • 3rd level scrolls: Call of Lightning
The Island of Runaar
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
John Doe
Lawful Neutral Wood Elf (Inheritor)
Ranger 6
63 / 63 HP
Report Date
08 Nov 2021
Primary Location


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