Battle of Longfields Military Conflict in Mundus | World Anvil
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Battle of Longfields

In the year 1386 the massacre that would be known as the Battle of Longfields took place near castle Lenfield. In this battle King Aegon II Strongborn commanded an army of the Kingdom of Gotha to march on the eastern flank of the Kingdom of Myrtana. Aegon in his eagerness for battle believed to take the Myrtanian troops by surprise but to his remorse, a fully mobilized army let by no other than @Lee Lannister was awaiting him. The battle that followed costed Gotha dearly, as the battle led to the demise of both the Gothic King Aegon Strongborn and the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch Jorund Wolfheart. The Gothic defeat signalled the retreat of the western Gothic army led Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak and Jarl Holgunn I Strongborn, which initiated the Myrtanian retaliation. The Myrtanian forces conquered the Gothic capital of Gotha and the Falklands in their counterstrike. The conquest was however halted on both the eastern and western flank by the remaining Gothic army. Nevertheless the battle would for a long time serve as a reminder to never march the Gothic army south.

The Conflict


The fields near castle Lenfield known as the 'Longfields'
Start Date
Ending Date






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