The Grey Wardens Organization in Mundus | World Anvil
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The Grey Wardens

The Grey Wardens are a long existing order of warriors and mages specialized in hunting down demons. Their main duty is the closing of Rifts, battling the demons pouring out of these. In particular, after the return of Valthor they grew in renown across the world, with many settlements remaining defenseless against the Rifts.   Currently the Wardens have three mention-worthy footholds through Mundus, among which the Warden's Keep in The Watchlands, Ostagar near the Kingdom of Orzammar and Weisshaupt in the Kingdom of Asgarnia. Although officially commanded by the First Warden, most of their footholds govern themselves independently. Each foothold is headed by a Warden-Commander, defending their regions to the best of their abilities against the Rifts.


The order of the Grey Wardens is commanded by the First Warden. Next are the Warden Commanders in the hierarchy. They
  • The First Warden stands at the head of the Order. Normally he commands the order from their homebase: Ostagar
  • Next are the Warden Commanders. Each of them hold responsibility over a large portion of terrain to protect against Rifts. Depending on their place of deployment, they may have vary little actual contact with their superior, the First Warden.

Public Agenda

The wardens seek to close all Rifts forming in Mundus to protect the innocent.


Apart from having access to powerful magic, the order is left quite broke with little resources.

In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice

Military Order

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