Christine d'Amarant Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Christine d'Amarant

Warden-Commander (a.k.a. Guardian of the Guiltless)


Christine's family originates from the city of Mournhold in the far West. Here, her family served for generations as the court wizards of Amaranthine. During a coup, her family fell in disfavor and was banished to the East, where they eventually came across the at that time young settlement of Everglade . To remind themselves of their past, they took the name "d' Amaranthine", never forgetting their wronging. The d'Amaranthine's were proud powerful mages and soon grew to be one of the most respected families of the Everglade societies.   Christine was five when she and her people were forced to leave the settlement of Everglade due to a massive Rift opening in the area. The destruction she saw at the hands of the Demons pouring through the Rift will always be a part of her, loosing many of her relatives and friends in the destruction. It was however the magnificence of The Grey Wardens that made the greatest impression on her. Their prowess in battle, their help to the weak and their overall spirit, called her to the order. Joining at the age of 11, Christine was both one of the youngest recruits to join the Wardens, as well as one of the first Wardens to not originate from Ostagar. Her prowess with the blade was unmatched and being augmented by her family's magical bloodline, she quickly grew through the Wardens' ranks. In the year 1329, she was named the new Warden-Commander of the Westfork in the will of former commander Geralt Ostwick, much to the surprise of most senior wardens. Nevertheless, her ambition and overall personality had inspired many Wardens by then, giving her nearly uncontested rule over the order.  


Christine is very-skilled with the blade and augmenting magic. She is best described as a Paladin-class in D&D terms. She is proficient with a range of weapons, but is most often seen with a Bastard Sword, leaving one of her hands free for spell casting. In addition, she is gifted as a fast learner and knowledgeable of the Arcane.  


Christine is an ambitious person, protector of the meek and innocent. She inspires both Wardens and Commoners, and although not too experienced in warfare, she gladly accepts aid from her Senior Wardens in these regards.  


Christine sees the future of the Wardens to a border-crossing organisation. She wishes the order to establish across the realms, unbound by politics etc. Furthermore, she seeks a way to re institute contact with her brothers & sisters across the Red Waste.  


Christine has made friends throughout the Westfork during her travels, having contacts in most organisations in the Westfork.  


Christine's ambition for the Wardens to grow to a borderless organisation, is not always met with enthusiasm from The Night's Watch. Similarly, she has little regard for those not working for her title and is often regarded disrespectful by those.  


Christine is a friend of William Longblade but has little connection with Eduard Stark due to their difference in age.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Christine is most renowned for her closure of the massive Rift at Gotha. When all hope seemed lost, she and her assembled forces broke through the ranks of demons closing the Rift in a battle still sung about in many poetry.
Year of Birth
1398 3E 72 Years old
Current Residence
Warden's Keep
Aligned Organization


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