Tumnosh Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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The city of Tumnosh is an old city in the lands of Geldrin. Once it was part of the kingdom of Thedas , but after the curse of the Girger in 1193 humans abandoned it. Because of its proximity to the eastern gate of Mazaar the city had always been focused on trade with the dwarves, and housed a special dwarven quarter. Soon thereafter the Angmarian orcs invaded the province and took over control of the city. When the orc chieftain Thorek sent part of his forces to the western side of the Red Waste under the command of his brothers Uruk and Varkrass, his hold on the region was lessened. This was used by the roaming Bands of Brothers, several clans of peoples who had been reduced to roaming the Wilds. They set upon the weakened positions of Thorek, and Tumnosh was conquered by Jafar the Bear of the Red Band. The Red Band settled in Tumnosh untill the invasion of Azhidal. Due to their alliance with The Night's Watch they fled to the Watchlands. Nowadays the streets of Tumnosh are once more swollen with orcs, since Azhidal settled his horde down in the kingdom of Angmar.


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