Azhidal Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Azhidal, enchanter of Nordmar, took the role of warlord upon him during the rise of Hokan and led an enormous warband of orcs to the south. After sieging the dwarven gates to the Kingdom of Orzammar, he and his warband travelled further south to the lands of Geldrin conquering its cities and routing the Bands of Brothers to Mazaar, after which its eastern gate was closed. Occupying the Witch fortress of Angmar, Azhidal's thirst for blood was not satiated yet. As such he travelled even further south, laying waste to the city of @Mournhold and sieging @Yokuda 's borders. After conquering Mournhold his campaign seized, his forces concentrating on consolidating the region east of the @Red Waste and west to the @Dragontail Mountains.
Year of Birth
1318 3E 152 Years old
Ruled Locations


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