Wild Hunt Military Conflict in Mundus | World Anvil
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Wild Hunt

The Wild Hunt was an occurence caused by the Tear in the Veil, which Hokan Ashir made. This allowed Daedra and Aedra a larger influence over the plane of Mundus. The Lord of the Hunt Hircine used this opportunity to send forth armies of beasts. The portals to his realm were opened in the Southern Wilds. Soon these swelling numbers provoked a war with The Night's Watch and the Kingdom of Orsinium.  

Prologue to War

Hircine's armies consisted of centaurs, werewolves, beastmen, minotaurs and all other kinds of combinations of men and beasts. Embodying the most pure form of the Hunt, these beasts entered Mundus with but one goal: to return the world to the primordial order of the strong eating the weak. This of course was bound to clash with the order of the world embodied by states like the Night's Watch and Orsinium. Furthermore Marcus Vardenfell and Varkrass felt uneasy with such a large host of hostile creatures growing at their border. Therefore they decided to launch a pre-emptive strike before the Wild Hunt had grown to full strength.  

Onslaught underneath the trees

The Night's Watch found its armies vastly depleted by the Nordmarian Invasion, but decided to launch an attack on the Beastmen nonetheless. In fact most of the standing army and the Ranger divisions were deployed in the Southern Wilds. What followed was a brutal war that endured for several years. Most of the combat consisted of skirmishes in the thick bush of the Southern Wilds. Because of the rough terrain it was hard for the Night's Watch and Orsinian guard to advance deeply into the terrain without getting ambushed. The uncertain style of combat even allowed the Beastmen to launch a raid against the fortress of Okara, which was unguarded at the time. The Night's Watch forces pushed on however and after long years of fighting for every inch of terrain, even using the tactic of burning vast stretches of forest at one point, the Watchers succeeded in pinpointing the main encampment of the Beastmen horde: an enormous oak tree that housed the portal to the realm of Hircine. This place came to be known as Wide-oak  

Battle of Wide-oak

Having located the bulk of the Beastmen forces the Night's Watch and the Orsinian guard scrambled their forces for one final assault. The assault was led by Marcus Vardenfell himself. The fighting was fierce and it was uncertain, whether the men and orcs would see victory at the end of the battle. Marcus led a small group of vanguard forces and succeeded in breaking through the Beastmen lines using his Thu'um. They succeeded in penetrating the Oak and reaching the portal to Hircine's realm. Here Marcus faced off with Eredin, King of the Wild Hunt. This epic duel eventually saw Marcus Vardenfell victorious and he succeeded in closing the portal, therefore shutting off the supply of Beastmen reinforces. The remainder of the Wild Hunt was routed and dispersed over the Southern wilds. Vardenfell was thoroughly wounded in the onslaught however. He was carried back to Castle Black, where one month later he succumbed to his wounds. He was succeeded by Eduard Stark.
Start Date
Ending Date


The forces of Order

Led by

The Wild Hunt





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