Grand ari momiri

Ari momiri, the Greatening ritual, is performed by vubopa priests. It is theatrical affair where questioning or new adherents to the Vopa faith are presented with the undeniable proof that Pemija, the great moon, is watching over them.   Grand ari momiri are ari momiri taken to the extreme. It is performed only when the Mope Vubopa decides. In Yalisi, on Najibu, the Mope Vubopa will arrange for dozens of priests and pilgrims to gather together in large groups.  


The most important component is large quantities of wormstone. Because the ritual takes place on Najibu, there is a large source of wormstone that's available to them just underneath the temple. Miners will go in and chip away at the walls to gather flakes and pebbles to distribute among the pilgrims. It is only during the grand ari momiri that people who are not priests have unlimited access to the crystals.   At the end, those who are not priests end up dropping their wormstone to the ground, and later vubopa collect it afterwards to distribute to new priests inducted into their priesthood.  


The grand ari momiri assumes blanket consent to unknowable and fundamental changes in one's body. There are some priests, especially those who do not live in Greater Yalisi, who believe that the ceremony has too many risks to consider it worth it. Private ari momiri is a better tool for encouraging new converts, where a priest can explain in great detail what is going to happen and why. Also, most of the participants in the grand ari momiri are already converted and have been for a long enough time to have made the trip to Yalisi, so there is no specific need to demonstrate Pemija's power. They know.   But Pemija smiles.


The first grand ari momiri took place under the stewardship of Mope Vubopa Dixoxo I.


Participants will have instruments and elaborate costumes, often featuring xidi feathers, and they will dance and sing for hours in wild, cacophanous frenzy. They are gathering Pemija's attention so that she can see proof of their belief in her and their faith that she will do the right thing for both of their worlds.   When the moon is high above, after the joyous raucous settles down, the Mope Vubopa leads a group prayer to Pemija, personally asking that she watch over everyone present and accept their devotion. After the prayer begins the true ceremony.   Su vubopa and pilgrims join together into a group dance where the goal is to be touching as many people as possible and as much wormstone as possible. People devolve into writhing bodies determined only to seek the warmth of another or the mutational effects of magic crystals.   People in the center of the grand ari momiri dance have no say on how much wormstone touches their body or for how long. Surrounded by others of their faith, they transform in grotesque and beautiful ways. Some gain or lose eyes. Others see their snouts elongate and their jaws fill up with extra teeth, or their snouts flatten until they can barely breathe. Muscles ripple and knot in new ways, forcing dancers to move in ways that would cause others to become a little queasy.   The dance lasts for hours. At the end, everyone is changed. And Pemija shines above them full of love.


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