Pemija, the great moon

The Watchful

the great moon

Pemija is the central divine creature in Vopa mythology. The larger of the two moons in their sky is her eye watching over them and planning her escape out of the astral realm through the bodies of her believers.

Divine Domains

Pemija has dominion over the greater moon and the stars in the sky. In the astral realm, she is also strongly associated with light and water.

Holy Books & Codes

When Sumiga tried to heal one of the pieces of Pemija's children that became embedded in the body of a believer, Pemija gave them a vision of herself, her world, and her plight.   Help me restore my god to its former glory, Pemija demanded to the stunned Sumiga. When the vision ended, they wrote everything down. These texts became the Parasoza, a collected body of work that was then recorded in stone.   When Pemija is selecting the next Mope Vubopa, or First Priest of the Vopa religion, she bestows visions to others. Chosen are expected to write down what they have seen and been told, and the addition of those accounts make up additional texts that are stored and maintained by the Mope Vubopa in Yalisi.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Circles and other round shapes are favorable to her.   The color white is associated with her as well, as the one part of her that is visible to the Vopa believers is her iris-less eye.


On the full moon, it is customary to light candles in Pemija's name.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Azatara embedded their teeth into the world of Vesi, leaving the wormstone behind. It is Pemija's publicly known goal to return the teeth to her own world, but it is well known by those who have seen her visions that she also intends to take over this world and complete Azatara's mission of becoming the remaining world.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Divine creatures are born in a variety of ways. Their souls are collections of astral particles that start out as small molecules and then build onto each other until long astral strands weave together the cells and then bodies.   Pemija's body started like a ball of thread that wound itself tighter and tighter before starting to spread out. Unspooled, limbs and eyes came out in clusters. After many years her appearance stabilized into its current form: white scales, six arms, six eyes (two on her face, four on her chest), a long thick tail, and tufts of fur on her back.   Cannibalization is common amongst divine creatures, so Pemija had to work to keep herself safe. She hid in deep ditches and masked herself with the scent of water and rains as she grew.   Once she was safely an adult, Pemija began to interact more with other divine creatures. Amongst them was Ota, a creature with one large eye, bipedal body, and three mouths full of sharp teeth and lolling forked tongues. After Ota saves Pemija's life by defending her against a murderous creature, they agree to mate. Together, they have many children.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Alone, Pemija discovered the border between the astral realm, her world created by Azatara, and the other world created by Vesi. She used her magic along with the magic of her eldest child Vamumuxe to create a hole in the space between so that she could perceive what was going on in the other world. This leakage between the two worlds manifests as the greater moon that floats in the night sky.


Pemija, the great moon


Towards Vamumuxe, the child with the missing eye


Vamumuxe, the child with the missing eye


Towards Pemija, the great moon


Pemija, the great moon


Towards Ota




Towards Pemija, the great moon


Azatara, god of the other world


Towards Pemija, the great moon


Pemija, the great moon


Towards Azatara, god of the other world


Divine Classification
Divine creature
Current Status
Trapped in the astral realm and watching over her followers from the sky
Ota (Consort)
Large orb in the sky visible at night
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pristine white