
the smallest Yalisi island

  Located just to the west of the main island Mozu, Labu is a small island that relies mostly on the larger island for goods and services. Boats regularly carry people crossing from Mozu to Labu, in both directions.


Labu is a small roughly circular island approximately 35 miles in diameter.

Localized Phenomena

As the smallest island, Labu doesn't see as many volcanos that the other two aliens get.


Labu has a temperate rainforest climate with sandy beaches.

Fauna & Flora

Like Kepe, Labu has the same flora and fauna found on the main Yalisi island, Mozu. There are the famous su vuto, large omnivorous creatures with fierce claws, and su xidi, the ubiquitous waterfowl.

Natural Resources

Labu is too small for there to be substantial resource extraction from the area.


Labu was originally owned by a single person, Levegi, but after Levegi died the island was reclaimed for the Yalisi Empire.
Alternative Name(s)
Little Island
Included Locations
Related Ethnicities


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