
He lives with Ravi and Skwat and is often dragged out of the apartment to go drinking at The Scrapyard.   Much more of the quiet side compared to his flat-mates, Fidget doesn't tend to talk that much and is kinda shy around new folks. But when he does talk, he's a surprisingly smart guy.   Fidget is a mercenary as his primary source of income but done VidGame streaming as a side gig. While he loves video games and all things nerdy, he also loves his guns and has quite a collection of modded handguns.   When his flat-mates are away he tends to spend his free time either streaming or at the local arcade.   He doesn't really get along with Skwat, but the price of living on Nucta Station is pretty high, so it's mostly about convenience.   Fidget has a prosthetic after a mission turned bad when Skwat decided to makes some unnecessary risks.


  Sex: Male   Orientation: Asexual (mostly)   Species: Ysoki   Class: Operative   Infosphere Handle: Crackshot_Gamer


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