The Scrapyard

This gay bar is more for the gruff older crowd rather than the young partying type. Located in Lower 1 this bar is mostly frequented by mercenaries that are looking to either drink themselves into a stupor, to find another older gentleman to hook up with or a mixture of the two.   From the outside it's nothing special, and even at a quick glance the interior isn't that special looking, most of the fixtures are made of rust coloured metal or wood, giving it an old world saloon feel. But if you know the price of wood on Nucta Station, you know how much money went into making this place.   Owned and operated by Geanir the Pahtra and his husband Horigar the Half-Orc, they used to be mercenaries in their younger years but after a huge payout following an especially rough mission, they decided to take it easy and settle down. The two are crazy about one another but have no problem sharing one another with some of their more regular patrons.   Their signature drink is called the Rusty Knob, it's a mixed drink that is a dark rust colour served with a ball of ice in it that quickly gets stained a rusty colour from the drink, resembling a rusty door knob. It's not a great drink by any means, but the innuendo in the name, and the fact that one of two of these can easily get you fucked up make it a very popular item on the menu.

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"The Scrapyard is a gay bar that is quite often frequented by older male clientele, they are known for their signature drink 'The Rusty Knob' they have loud stellar techno. They have a 1/2 star rating."  
  • Infosphere review

  • The smell of men hits your very sensitive nose right away. A stew of different smells from various races mixed together in a familiar scent that you haven't really found outside of this place. It's not a particularly busy night like a Sixthday or a Seventhday, but there's still a couple dozen folks at the bar or in booths talking, drinking and touching one another affectionately. The dim lighting and reasonably volumed music making the place a calm and intimate setting. To anyone not in the know this place might look trashy and cheap, decorated with light fixtures made of rusted scrap and the tables and seating made if wood, giving it almost a saloon like atmosphere. Though anyone IN the know would be aware that wood is actually one of the more expensive materials to have stuff made in since it's not at plentiful supply on a space station, especially one orbiting a star not a planet. They really put a lot of work to get this place looking the way it does. You see a familiar Pahtra behind the bar. The large dark furred feline shows his age with greying around his muzzle and ears. He's got a few scars on his face and a large one spiralling down his left arm from a close encounter with a worm type creature that had burrowed into him back in his hay day.


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