
The definition of a Napoleon complex, this short green skittermander, while intelligent for his species, isn't the brightest tool in the crayon box. But what he lacks in smarts he makes up for in bravado and overconfidence.   His favorite things are shooting stuff, drinking, talking about himself, and having sex with anything willing.   He spends a lot of his free time with his flat-mates Fidget and Ravi at The Scrapyard, where does most of his above stated favourite things.   He's self centered and really doesn't think before he talks, he doesn't really think about consequences.   His bravado comes in handy on mercenary assignments though. He's a great shot and will often take jobs that others think are too risky. Because of this lost an eye and had it replaced with a cybernetic one, he also has a reinforced spine from a horrible injury that left him paralyzed from the neck down.


  Sex: Male   Orientation: Bi   Species: Skittermander   Class: Soldier   Infosphere Handle: FritzCanon


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