Goblins of the Ansagar

The delvings of the Ansagar run deep in the mountains surrounding Mount Ansagar, and deep below them in the pitiless depths of the world.  Many of their numbers had been lost in defending Unklar, so at first they did not have the numbers to resist the incursion of the VULS.  With the coming of the Aachen to Eickjolf, this increased their unrest.   In 1320 Grigspocket an Eldritch Goblin and their leader decided the time was right to strike.  Using old Imperial lines of communication he got the Orcs of the Western Holmgrad Mountains to join them in an attack.  The attack went well and they were able to establish a siege on Eickjolf.  Had that been their only challenge they would have been victorious.   Igor II came in relief with a force that was able to effect a counter siege.  While, Grigspocket was not shocked at this move, the young Goblins spawned after the days of Empire didn't understand, and quickly began to slip out of the siege lines and flee homeward.  Enraged with his defeat he used his spells to penetrate the Aachen camp and eliminate Igor in revenge.   He has retreated for now back to the depths of his halls.  There he awaits more spawn to again challenge those who dare to invade his homeland.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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