Igor II

The death of Igor I was a sad counter balance to the joy of the victory over Hanse. So another great victory by Aachen was followed up by a king in his minority, as Igor II was only 13 at the time of his ascension. His great uncle BELDIN the COUNT OF HARZ became his regent. In a rare occurrence for a regent Beldin proved to be able and have vision. He followed up Igor II's victory forcing the Hanse Cities to recognize Aachen's control of the Eastern half of the STRAIGHTS OF URSAL and the TAL OF URSAL. With their water rights assured Beldin turned his eyes to the North. He was able to take the Vul town of EICKJOLF on the North Shore of the INNER SEA. This town on the KOTSUJ RIVER gave Aachen a road into the heartland of the trapping areas of the Vuls that lived in the HOLMGARD MOUNTAINS. Other than taking Eickjolf, Beldin left the Vul largely alone north of him, but he now controlled the market for the furs they counted on for silver. Igor II continued this wise policy when he gained his majority. This incursion into the North did not go unnoticed, and the GOBLINS OF ANSAGAR in 1320 tried to destroy Eickjolf. The city was encircled and the SIEGE OF EICKJOLF was to be long and brutal. Igor II lead a relief force that landed to the East of Eickjolf and he lead it in a daring over mountain attack that broke the siege, but at a high cost as GRIGSPOCKET the ELDRITCH GOBLIN leader of the Ansagar hordes was able to use his skills and magic to confront and kill Igor II.


Igor II


Towards Gloriana Eisenheim

Gloriana Eisenheim


Towards Igor II

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
1279 1321 42 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated by Goblins
Aachen Castle
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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