The Void

The Void is the vast span of the planes that holds all matter.  Into it came the All Father, and he and INZAA performed the dance of creation from which the components of The Void coalesced into the beings, plants, planes, worlds, and heavenly objects that make up the multiverse.  It lies now outside of creation.   The Void is an infinite expanse of space surrounding all things. It is called the Great Empty by men. The plane is a place of silent emptiness.  There is no light or darkness; there is no color or form, nor sound. There is no distance, nor does time have any meaning. It is the Great Empty. It is the forge of the All Father’s creation.    The name, however, belies its nature, for in truth the Void is a vibrant, if mysterious, plane. There, great currents move through the emptiness like winds across the sea, caused by the machinations of Erde and Inzaa. The MAELSTROM, ever growing, pushes against the Great Empty, devouring it. Where the two collide lies the GEHIRR, the Realm of Chaos.   Here lies the VESK and the EA-IAUL, the Fortress of Wind where Corthain the Val Eahrakun dwells.   The UNDEEPS is that part of the Void where Unklar resided during first five Rin of the world. It is stained with his malice and as such one of the few places in the Void where land form has taken shape.   ENCOUNTERS: The Void is home to a host of creatures, monsters both fair and foul. These early experiments of the All Father’s labor, imperfect castaways, twisted or altogether evil, good or indifferent, haunt the Great Empty. Many are not the result of the All Father’s active creation, but rather exist, for in his restless sleep he dreamed terrible nightmares or at times his raw emotions spilled out unknown into the Void. The resulting creations can be simple, or beyond the keen of mortal perception, and even to look on them can oft times drive the weak of will to madness. Dark and horrible, twisted coils of scales and slime, and pustulating wrecks of life, these beasts haunt the confines of the Void, drawn to any living thing with a hunger that defies comprehension.  Others exist as beauty personified, glory in all its design.   Most creatures in the Void are drawn to anything living. They hover on the edges of creation watching, in wonder or lust, the unfolding of life in the material planes. Only the remnants of the WALL OF WORLDS and the rune lords keep these creatures from coming to the material plane. When travelers from the planes or the material come to the Void, they tend to attract the inhabitants. Any number of things can occur, depending on the alignment, nature, disposition, etc., of the monster encountered.
Plane of Existence
Characters in Location


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