Lehroth Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Lehroth is a oath of the glory paladin, he is half-elf. Standing at 6'3", weighing in a 250 without his armor. He is equipped with a greatsword that is sentient, Azrel, and two longswords. Only the one on his left hip seems to be tied to its sheath. He is bonded with a black warhorse by the name of Avalanche. He used to worship the god Helm until recently. If you're lucky enough, you'll get a chance to hear him play his lute.   Under his armor you'll find he has ash white hair that is cut short and it doesn't seem to grow that much. Same with a short beard he keeps groomed. He has two scars on his face that are zig zaged through his right eye which is a milky white. His whole body is covered in battle scars his right arm bears some heafty burn marks that he keeps wrapped constantly. Which is why he doesnt where a gauntlet on that arm. His left arm consists of very small and parallel cuts. Hundreds of them. He also has a slave brand on the middle of his back on the spine.   He joined the party in Beidon Kingdom when he relized they were on the hunt for The Artifacts. He was part of a party in the past that failed at obtaining any of them that also involved Soj.   Lehroth grew a bond with another party member, Pippy, and during their travels would often protect her. He gifted her with a special necklace that allowed her to control him when speaking his name. Neither of them really knew the necklace had this power. In the Feywild, Lehroth was cursed by an evil Feywild tree, a Night Twist, that caused him to loose many nights of sleep and become exhausted. In the process of dealing with this, the party escaped the Feywild through a tunnel that lead to the Fake Soj's hideout. In there, Pippy and Lehroth were attacked by the fake soj and Lehroth gave his life to protect Pippy from a fireball blast. The party held a funeral for him, burning his body on a pyre.
Above: Lehroth in his armor which he is rarely seen without.   Below: What Lehroth looks like when his armor is off.

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