The Artifacts in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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The Artifacts

The legend says that there are six artifacts to be collected. Each artifact has a different power and that each one is infused with souls. These artifacts are originally from the time of the great war. The party has one year to collect all six and use them to stop The Great War. Our task is to get these artifacts and stop the next great war and prevent the world from being bathed in fire. We were chosen by a goddess to help protect the world. This goddess healed the world after the last great war. We do not know her name yet. Many groups have tried to obtain these artifacts and many have failed.   What these artifacts do is give you powers that control elements of life and death. These artifacts become a part of you but are not you. When you obtain an artifact they start to have conversations with their host and that once they start talking to you, that is when the powers will start to come through. Great power, sometimes curses, come from it. If you can’t control it, it can lead to chaos.  

The Artifacts

  The first artifact the party found and Zandro absorbed.   The second artifact the party found but didn't take and Raiu absorbed it.   The third artifact is found in the Feywild and was absorbed by Wi Po.   One artifact is in the ocean.   One is in the desert.   Which leaves one other artifact, the black one that Uraim is sworn to secrecy about but he says we have to be prepared to make a sacrifice should we encounter it.

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