Pippy Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Pippy Lippy Ellywick is a gnome necromancer who's main focus is to prove that necromancy can be good. She comes from a small gnome village in Vangewood Forest until she was forced to leave her homeland when she came of age. She is firey by nature and not afraid to speak her mind and share her gift of the necromancy with the world. She easily trusts others until they prove themselves unworthy. She can be fiercly loyal to those she holds close (friends, family, lovers, mentors) and will often blindly follow them without a second thought.   Pippy is 3 foot 4 and 35 lbs, she has wild red shaggy hair with two long chunks at the front. She is usually wearing 2 golden leaf clips in her hair. Her eyes are big and bright blue and framed with thin round glasses. She wears a forest green dress draped in a black cloak clasped at one shoulder but sometimes can be found wearing a light green and cream colored dress with a pale green cloak too. She carries a staff that is a black maple staff with a small chain wrapped around the top of it. Dangling off of the chain are these little delicate green stones wraped in a wire. This trinket was a gift from Nioza. Pippy also waers a small green crystal around around her neck, her arcane focus. A small leather bound book is attached to her side, partially hidden by her cloak.   She has a spectral servant, Bob, that she will usually summon for mundane tasks like cleaning and cooking. She also has a tendancy to use message to speak directly into people's minds. She will rely on this form of communication when the need arises, when talking secrets, or when too emotional to speak. She has a tendancy to make herself invisble when scared and when fighting she will often split into 4 to confuse the enemy. As a necromancer she speaks in Abyssal when casting and the magic will often look dark and ominous when surrounding her. Depending on the spells she uses her eyes may turn black or fade to grey or stay her normal bright blue.   In Gurina is where Pippy starts to kindle a friendship with Nioza, her first real freidn though she doesn't realize this until they reach Pakadia. Nioza gifts Pippy a dagger, which Pippy named "Pointy", and a book on Baoth. Later on Nioza gifts her a charm for her staff.   In Frostfall Mountains she read a strange book early in the journey about an ancient nearly forgotten religion and now hears the voice of the god, Baoth, in her head at times. She will occasionaly make a deal with him and trade a favor for useful information. These favors usually revolve around killing someone and she isn't always honest about the true nature of these favors to the rest of the party.   In the town of Pakadia, Pippy was engaged to a sentient skeleton named Hobs until she made a deal with Baoth and had to destroy Hobs. In Pakadia she also started to make friends with Vaan due to a drunken adventure neither has any memory off, and Lehroth due to the fact he hasn't killed her yet.

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