Nioza Character in Mynithrul | World Anvil
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Nioza is a powerful, strong, general badass and a overly protective cleric. She worships the god Gond, the dwarven god of craft. So she's super into forging, weaponry, fighting styles, and war. She's an Aasimar race which means she's half celestial/god, half human. Her mother would've died giving birth because that's just kind of what happens when you push out a half-god. She was taken in very young by this scholar, who is part of this sort of... archive/library. Imagine the civilization being a lot like the air nomad temples from Avatar. They would've committed their lives to knowledge & the preservation of it, and Nioza would have grown up here and pretty much never left. So she has no real common sense or knowledge on the world, she doesn't really get jokes, but she has a lot of curiosity and thirst to know things. Everything she knows about the world she's only read in books. So she's just kind of in awe of everything all the time and is super ditzy & innocent.   The party finds her mysterious and dangerous, mainly because she always has a surprising amount of pointy objects on her. She also has shown to have a power invovling opening pockets into other planes to pull out more weapons. She's a big fan of pointy things and rocks. Nioza is also a very giving indivdual and has gifted a few items to Pippy, Xerrik, and Stifle.   In Gurina Nioza and the party go to an abandoned castle that used to be where Skywatcher's family lived. While there Nioza pulled a mysterious green glowing sword out of a magical flame. She keeps this sword hidden until she can learn more about it. So far she knows that it makes Hapicord act really weird and aggressive, almost uncontrolably so. She also learns that it belongs to a necromancer and that she can't attune to it until that necromancer is detroyed.

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