Alexius Korrigan

Seneschal Alexius Korrigan

Korrigan is a first cousin to King Stefan - his father and Stefan's mother (as well as the mother of Ludwig von Hendriks) were siblings. Alexius, seventh child of his parents and not likely to inherit any large parcel of the Korrigan lands, responded to Stefan's call for worthy followers. In his years of service with the king, he has headed numerous road-building expeditions and proved loyal and capable of accomplishing his goals, on time and on budget. Stefan made him the administrator of the king's own personal estate, a post Korrigan has now held for over 30 years.   Alexius is a large, merry man who truly loves a complicated task performed well. Though trained in the art of war, he dislikes combat, preferring to handle money, maintain organized records, and keep events moving on time. He is a great admirer of good food and wine. Never married, he engages in frequent affairs of the heart with women of the Karameikan court and of high station in Mirros . Because of his good nature, endearing personality, and honest affection for the Traladaran population, he is the only member of the Karameikan royal family genuinely liked by the Traladarans at large.
Current Location
He tends to dress in simple trousers and surrcoats that look as though they've been slept in.
Brown, cheerful
Brown and shaggy, with a beard to match
6' 3"
Over 290 lbs


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