
Formerly known as Specularum, Mirros is the Capital of Karameikos  

Walking Tour of Mirros

The city is made up of smaller neighborhoods and districts, each with its own particular flavor and inhabitants. This walking tour touches on these areas and the major highlights of the region - what to see, who to avoid, and how to survive.   Except where a wall is shown, the transition between neighborhoods is gradual, not sharp. When traveling from the rich Hill area to the affluent Bricktop neighborhood, all the traveler notices is that the dwellings slowly become less costly and a bit smaller. Continuing to the Merchant District, the traveler sees more and more businesses along the street, until they gradually crowd out residences altogether.  


A more or less affluent area of town, the Bricktop lies halfway between the posh residences of the Hill and the Merchant District. It is named for Bricktop Road , a major thoroughfare. This area is characterized by small to medium-sized expensive homes; the population is mostly of Thyatian descent. Many merchants , ministerial aides, and other well-paid persons live here . It is also the home of retired adventurers of middling incomes.   Bricktop Road: As mentioned above, the Bricktop area is named for a large road. The Mirros slang term "bricktop" indicates anything that is of good quality. Bricktop is made of yellowish, fired brick and runs around the perimeter of the king's stronghold. The color of the brick accounts for statements in the slums that the streets in Mirros are paved with gold.  

King's Park

Not really a neighborhood, the King's Park is the walled off forest preserve maintained for the king by his cousin, Lord Alexius Korrigan. The park is situated west of the city between the Old Wall and present King's Wall . The king and his family ride here, and the area serves as a small game preserve for the royal family.   King's Wall: When (then) Duke Stefan came to Specularum 40 years ago, the city was already growing beyond its original walls. He ordered this wall built to protect the formerly defenseless citizens of "outer Specularum"; it runs from the east end of the Foreign Quarter around the city to the southeast end of the district of the Church of Karameikos.   Old Wall: This wall surrounded the old city of Marilenev. It is still sound and perfectly fit to act as a defensive wall should Mirros ever come under attack. A number of large double gates pierce both walls and always are manned by a squad of four guards each.  

King Stefan's Stronghold

The king's castle perches on the highest hill of Mirros, atop a 15-foot-high earthen mound with steeply angled sides, towering over the land below. The castle walls are 15 feet high as well, so an intruder would have to climb 30 feet from the base to reach its battlements. The stronghold is not considered a part of any ward or district. It has a number of large structures within its walls, as described below.   The King's Residence (High Palace): The king, his family, his servants, and their families all live here. The High Palace is the highest point of the king's stronghold, and its walls command a breathtaking view of Mirros, Mirror Bay, and the surrounding country side. A large three-story dwelling, the family's quarters are here, where Queen Olivia also conducts her numerous balls and parties. The small building to the northeast is the family's personal stables.   Low Palace: The actual ruling of Karameikos takes place in this long building. The king and queen receive visitors here (a smaller, private throne room lies in the High Palace). The ministers have their central and subordinate offices here as well. Petitioners come to the Low Palace and all decrees are issued from here. It is, in effect, the nerve center of the kingdom and the heart of the bureaucracy.   The Garrison: Farther down the slope from the Lower Palace are the garrison buildings. The westernmost of these sprawling, single-story buildings houses the Elvenguard, while the eastern one houses the King's Guard and the armory.   Granaries: Grains, dried meats, and other foods are stored here against the possibility of a siege.   Other Buildings: The "Gardeners' Palace," the small building in the south east, is where the gardeners live and store all their tools, seed, and equipment. Military plans are made and visiting captains are billeted in the Administration building, located opposite the Gardeners' Palace.   The ruin of the old Marilenev palace sprawls between the High and Low Palaces, abandoned for a hundred years since the original Thyatian invasion of a century ago . The crumbling stone dwelling has been emptied and leveled, but its foundation still peeks out among the gardens, and some of its old walls have been used for trellises. It is rumored that there were lower levels to the old castle, sealed up before the Thyatians arrived, and that these still may be reached by secret passages from either palace or from some site in the Bricktop or Hill districts.  

Foreign Quarter

Most of the people from other nations, as well as the majority of demihumans who reside in the city, live in this area of town, which sprang up outside the original city walls. Thyatians are the exception. They prefer to reside in more "acceptable" neighborhoods. In the Foreign Quarter one can encounter a dwarven merchant from Rockhome, a shadow elf diplomat, an Ethengar barbarian, a Ylari desert rider, or a Glantrian mage on the run from his own country. Natives of Mirros (called Mirrans) tend to view the Foreign Quarter with disdain and a little fear, as there are often battles in the streets between rival nationalities.  

The Hill

In the posh area of town, the Hill, the streets are all brick, and the neighborhood is broken up into numerous small walled estates. These estates belong to many of the most powerful persons in town - including the Torenescus but not the Radus.   Ambassadors' Quarter: King Stefan eventually acquired about three blocks of this area and designated its estates as the dwellings of official ambassadors to Karameikos. Guard patrols are common, and the ambassadors have their own retainers for additional protection.   Hill Market: A small marketplace services the Hill; in addition to ordinary foods and services, one can find many businesses selling delicacies, expensive imports, and the like. Not surprisingly, it is the most upscale of the markets in Mirros.   Torenescu Territory: Part of the Hill remains owned and controlled by the Torenescu family , headed by Aleksander Torenescu. Any activity (particularly illegal activity) within this region attracts the attention of Aleksander, Boris, or others of the family.  

Merchant District

Part of Mirros never sleeps; many inns and taverns are open all night, and few shop-owners - most of whom live above their places of business - will turn down a late-night sale when some frantic buyer comes hammering at their doors.  One can find all sorts of businesses and goods here: mercenaries for hire, stables and livery, bakeries, meat shops, sweet shops, jewelers , smiths , goldsmiths, silversmiths, fortunetellers, carpenters, bricklayers, engineers, hostels, scribes, sages, alchemists, wizards, thieves, entertainers, and just about anything else.   The Grand Market: In the largest open marketplace in Mirros, endless stands and countless rolling carts display goods during the day; all such stands must be disassembled and removed by full dark , and may be set up again at dawn.  Lord Dmitrios, the king of beggars, performs here.   Lesser Merchant District: This isn't a district for lesser merchants; it is just the smaller of the two major merchant districts in town. Because of its proximity to the Foreign Quarter, this is the district to visit for exotic foods and crafts; though smaller than the Grand Market, it has a much wider range of goods.  

The Docks

The Docks district skirts the edge of Mirror Bay and consists of the wharves and a smattering of warehouses on the banks. Ships sailing further upriver into Karameikos pass beneath the twin Sea Gates into Mirror Bay.   The Hightower: A combination watchtower and lighthouse, the Hightower always has guardsmen on duty, watching troop movements on land and ships on the sea. The tower houses many runners who continuously send information about incoming ships to the garrison. At night, a large oil fire is lit here to guide wayward ships into the bay. The resulting illumination often makes the area a perfect meeting spot for merchants, adventurers, and young couples.   Naval Docks: Below the garrison are the Naval Docks, where ships of the line are docked. The nearby shipyards construct the navy's vessels, and Prince Devon Hyraksos is often found here, supervising new designs.   Sea Gates and River Fort: The water gates guarding Mirror Bay are unusual, as they are more commonly used in tru e sea ports rather than on rivers. They are constructed of steel-bound oak and backed with portcullises of treated iron . They were installed after a failed assault by river pirates who ruined the earlier gates, and have not been challenged since their installation. The River Fort also serves to deter attacks upon the gates. A secure island under the control of the Karameikan Navy, it has a low light tower similar to the Hightower. It has been said that, prior to the establishing of the Karameikan School of Magecraft in Krakatos, the fort was the site of magical experimentation. Now griffons owned by younger members of the Order of the Griffon are stabled here.  

Traders' Corridor

One strip of land along the shore is not protected by the city's old tide wall. The major shipping and shipbuilding businesses are located in this Traders' Corridor, as well as several fish markets and numerous piers, warehouses, and merchant-related businesses. Karameikans come here to book passage, send international messages, and send and receive cargo to and from all over the world.  

The Nest

In the oldest, narrowest, dirtiest, and poorest section of town, the population is mostly Traladaran. The guardsmen do not venture into the Nest when they can help it; crime is king.   Street of Dreams: This is the prophetic and magical center of Mirros; it has the highest concentration of fortunetellers and free-lance magicians.  Establishments on this street include The Eagle's Vision, The House of Many Smokes, and The House of Alya.  

North End

Many people who work as servants within the city or as seasonal laborers in the surrounding Estate of Marilenev live in the mostly residential North End of town. Many active adventurers also settle here, due to its proximity to the Merchant District, the Foreign Quarter, the docks, and a number of taverns and inns. Among these inns are Desmond's Dive, The Gored Ox, the Hart and Harrow, and the Black-Heart Lily.   North Market: An open marketplace services the northwest end of town; the North Market resembles the Lesser Merchant District, described earlier.  

Old Quarter

The Old Quarter has the same narrow streets and same tightly-packed humanity as the Nest, but crime, while frequent, is not quite as prevalent. In fact, the Nest resembled this neighborhood a great deal about 40 years ago. The population here, again, is mostly Traladaran.   Great Church of Traladara: This massive, low building is the spiritual center of the Church of Traladara. Patriarch Aleksyev Nikelnevich lives and works here. The bulk of the building is a large congregation hall, the greatest open hall in the city, and the patriarch preaches to the faithful here.  

South End

While similar to the North End, the South End of Mirros features fewer adventurers and businesses catering to them. As a result, it is a little quieter, and long-time adventurers now in retirement sometimes end up here.   Magicians' Guild Hall: The Magicians' Guild of Mirros, an organization that was once the center of magical research in the nation, used to maintain its formal offices here. Since the establishment of the Karameikan School of Magecraft in Krakatos, it has become a much quieter place. A simply decorated tower with an attached barn-sized building, the tower serves as quarters for visiting mages, while the building acts as a school, research library, and general laboratory for the Guild. The guild is more of a quiet gentlemen's club than a dynamic training area.  

Stronghold District

Founded on one of the original sites of civilization at Mirros, the Stronghold District dates back to a time when Mirros was divided into smaller, walled encampments. The Stronghold District was and is controlled by the Radu family.   Radu Territory: The Radu family owns several blocks of residences and businesses. The clan has its own home here, and everyone in the neighborhood is either employed by the family or bound to it by debt or blood ties. The family patriarch, Anton Radu may be found in his palatial lair in the eastern end of the district, near the gates.  

Church District

Like the Stronghold District, the Church District retains the original walls of Marilenev. However, unlike the Radu district, this region was taken over fully by invading Thyatians, who leveled many of the buildings and erected their own temples. These temples were in turn demolished or converted to the Church of Karameikos with the coming of Stefan. Rumors persist about the existence of underground vaults of the original Traladarans or later, more secret faiths.   Great Church of Karameikos: This towering cathedral serves as the spiritual center of the Church of Karameikos. Patriarch Olliver Jowett, Alfric Oderbry, and Magdel all live and work here.   Hall of the Order of the Griffon: This large church building with a walled enclosure (to keep down the noise of training) functions as the center and chief training facility of the Order of the Griffon , the military order of the Church of Karameikos.
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