
Thyatians tend to be physically larger than Traladarans, men averaging around 5 feet, 11 inches and women about 5 feet, 5 inches. The Thyatians have interbred with citizens of other nations for centuries, so there is no one Thyatian look. Hair ranges from dark blond to dark brown, with occasional redheads (including the king), while eyes range in color from blues to black. Thyatians tan more easily in the sun than the paler Traladarans, who are more prone to sunburn.   Thyatian characters' names are reminiscent of ancient and classical Roman and Bysantine names.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Varia, Alexandra, Valeria, Titia, Claudia, Anastasia, etc. Fantasy names are also appropriate.

Masculine names

Varis, Alexander, Valerius, Titius, Claudius, Anastasius, etc. Fantasy names are also appropriate.

Family names

Thyatians have strong, majestic-sounding surnames: Karameikos, Penhaligon, Korrigan, and so forth.


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

Attitudes: Most nobles in Karameikos are of Thyatian descent, as is a sizable proportion of the commoner population. Thyatis, a large, corrupt empire to the east of Karameikos, has powerful armies, strong trade relations with the great nations of the world, lavish arts and entertainments, and a cultural standard equaled in few places. It is natural, then, that people of Thyatian descent feel superior to the native Traladarans. Many hold the sentiment that Traladarans are superstitious and ignorant and that Thyatian spoken with a Traladaran accent denotes a lack of mental ability. (A player may decide whether to give a character this bias.) In turn, Traladarans consider Thyatians to be predatory, faddish, greedy, corrupt, and lazy.

Common Dress code

Dress: The Thyatian man in traditional common dress wears ankle-length trousers, a belt, and a sleeveless vest. In winter, the vest goes over a long-sleeved shirt that buttons up the front. If the gentleman has enough money, he wears shoes or boots and carries a belt-pouch or two. Fighting men often wear leather wrist bracers. Thyatian men wear their hair short, and they may go clean shaven or not, many wear very full beards and mustaches. Thyatians tend to have very little jewelry, though males wear finger rings and the occasional necklace, often with a medallion attached.   The Thyatian woman in common dress wears a skirt to the calf in winter, a sleeveless vest over a long-sleeved V-neck blouse that buttons up the front, and perhaps a belt-pouch. Sandals and shoes are appropriate footwear. Thyatian women wear their hair long, either loose, braided, or up, depending upon the weather and the situation. They prefer modest earrings, finger rings, and long necklaces of gold, pearls, stones, etc.   Thyatians of both sexes who dress for effect keep their dress simple; two or three well coordinated colors, pleasingly and gracefully matched. In mildly chilly weather, Thyatians with money dress in hip-length cloaks to keep warm. When true winter rolls around, they don full-length cloaks with hoods.


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