Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Masculine names
Family names
Major language groups and dialects
Shared customary codes and values
Literacy is common in the larger cities; most Traladarans speak and write both their native tongue and Thyatian. Outside the larger towns, education is not as widespread. In the rural communities most villagers are illiterate, although often a local cleric will be lettered. (Player characters, being exceptional people, don't have to worry about this, it becomes the choice of the player whether to have a literate character.)
For the most part, older Traladarans don't care much for Thyatians. They see Thyatians as the latest wave of bad luck that keeps the Traladarans from returning to their Golden Age. Since many of the original Thyatian arrivals were rotten land-grabbers, many Traladarans view all Thyatians as being the same. (Again, the presences of this personality trait in a PC is up to the player.)
Common Dress code
The Traladaran woman in common dress wears a brightly colored (sometimes motley) skirt to the knee or calf and a loose pullover blouse with a rounded bodice. Sandals, soft, high boots, or bare feet are all appropriate to this costume. Traladaran women tend to wear their hair long, either loose or tied back into a tail. They favor finger rings, large earrings, bracelets, anklets, and armlets in clashing profusion.
Traladarans of both sexes like bright colors in abundance, when they can afford them. For example, a Traladaran man might don black boots, striking yellow trousers, a glaring red sash at his waist (matching the scarf around his neck), a white tunic, and a big winter cloak in gaudy blue.
Both Traladarans and Thyatians wear cloaks in cold weather; hip-length cloaks are common in milder winter weather, and when it gets really cold Traladarans with money wrap themselves in full-length cloaks with hoods.