
The largest settlement of Dwarves and Gnomes in Karameikos, Highforge is nestled in the Wulfwolde Hills, between the Windrush and Hillfollow rivers, north of Kelvin. There are a number of exterior stone buildings in the community, but the bulk of the settlement lies below ground level. Quarries and shafts dot the region surrounding Highforge, and numerous “secret entrances” lead to the settlement.  


Within Highforge, the gnomes and dwarves ignore the King's Law and live by gnome and dwarven custom; they settle their own disputes, try their own criminals, and do not report law breaking to the human officials. Additionally, they do not pay taxes to the humans except when selling goods to them.   Humans who commit crimes in Highforge are tried under dwarven custom. Essentially, penalties are as per the King's Law, but the class for punishment for humans breaking the law is bumped up by one. Ignorance is no excuse in this area, as many “formerly ignorant” prisoners can attest.
6,500 gnomes and 1,000 dwarves
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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