Session 44 - Expedition's Return

24 Klarmont 1010 - 27 Klarmont 1010

General Summary

The party discusses what to do with this giant Green Devil, and of course start by skinning the beast. This takes quite some time due to the tremendous size of the creature. Leo also suggests that they take the head, as it might make for a great bowsprit for the Everlasting Light. He casts Tenser's Floating Disk to carry the massive head, since it won't fit into a bag of holding (or colding). The skins fit nicely into the bag of colding however, which should help preserve them. They continue out of the valley, not totally sure where they will find Kai and Teemo.   Kai was on the lookout for the party, however, and finds them not too far from the original campsite. He seems very concerned when he sees the Green Devil head, and Leo explains that they ran into trouble coming out of the valley. The Su attacked, and their ruckus drew the Green Devil. Anyhow he asks what they can expect in terms of fines for the un-permitted killing of the Green Devil. Kai seems a bit unsure, but in the neighborhood of 1000g. Kai asks what they are planning to do with the head, and suggests that he can help preserve it for the trip back to Kobos. Meanwhile they get a nice lunch prepared for the party, and break camp. There is enough time to get back to Pupami tonight with the weather so fine.   The trip back to Pupami is pleasantly uneventful, and they are able to enjoy the beautiful jungle, plains and river sights. Back in Pupami, they are able to sleep in comfortable beds, and enjoy another wonderful local pork meal with fresh fruit. The party feels extremely refreshed the next morning, and ready for anything! (Level 8 acheived!). Heading back down river is of course faster than their initial trip up, and by mid-day the are back in Kobos. They first want to deal with their fines, and talk to Sambella about the situation. He looks up the permitting fees retroactively and the total is 1200g for the Green Devil, plus the two Red Devils they killed. With any luck, the hides will cover these fees! The party pays Sambella for the permits, and Kai seems visibly relieved. In addition to the extra fees, the party gives Kai a healthy tip of 50g for the trip to split with Teemo. He seems quite pleased with this and wishes them well on their journeys, and hopes they find time to visit the island again some time. Sambella suggests that Fantastic Beasts around the corner can help them with the giant head preservation.   As Leo, Seraphina, Tork, and Stavos deal with the Green Devil head, Elincia decides to head back to the ship to visit Totoro. When she gets to the docks, she realizes that the ship is anchored in the bay. She comes back to inform the party of this, and then leans forward and turns herself into a Giant Eagle, and leaps into the air. This of course surprises the party (a bit) and the surrounding tourists (a lot). This seems to be a new trick Elincia has learned. She soars into the air and out over the bay circling the ship - causing a bit of a stir on deck. She lands on the deck and transforms back into Elincia, and everyone is relieved that it is only her. Totoro was apparently below decks and missed out on the commotion. The captain has the crew lower the jolly boat, and Elincia plays with Totoro, and frustrating him with her staff of birdcalls.   Meanwhile, in town, the party negotiates their plans for the Green Devil skull. They decide that a skull would be sufficient, not a fully preserved head for proper intimidation factor. This can be preserved for that application for 50g. They agree to this, and help get the head onto a cart. The head will be ready for them tomorrow.   The party heads over to catch the jolly boat that has been sent to shore for them; once on board they strip out of their battle gear and into lighter, more comfortable beachwear. They get back to shore early enough to arrange dinner at a beach party like the one that Tork and Seraphina caught days before (but could not eat at). After a pleasant night of revelry, they head back to the ship for another nice night of rest.   The next morning, they head to shore for another street breakfast, and their Green Devil skull is ready for them. They receive some compliments on the fine specimen, and the skull is loaded into the away boat. Leo catches a lift back to the ship with Elincia, who uses her new beast form Giant Eagle again, leaving room in the boat for the skull.   The party decides to head back to Saltmarsh, as they are feeling that the Black Eagle Barony situation needs to be dealt with. They agree that they have no interest in actually taking up the King's posted offer of the Barony to interested applicants, but Leo suggests that they should speak to the Saltmarsh Council, and Sascia of Luln to see if they have a candidate in mind that would be a good neighbor to them. Perhaps they could support the regional preferred candidate in the effort to displace the Baron. Also they should really be helping to free the slaves as much as they can, which all ties together. Plus there are the issues with the thugs that tried to nab Tork and they have many things to sell back in Saltmarsh, not least of which are the excellently skinned Red/Green Devil skins.   During some downtime on the ship, Leo casts identify on the gem encrusted chest that they found in the False Alphaks' chamber, finding that it has conjuration properties - letting a user create mundane objects within.   On their voyage back to Saltmarsh, there seems to be an increased level of seaborne activity. They see a large number of Hin ships, both Naval and unaffiliated (but flying Five Shires flags). It is plausible that they are seeking refugees fleeing from the Barony with slaves. The party waves to all, but they don't approach close enough to speak directly to them, and nobody moves to attack them.   They expect to arrive at Saltmarsh later on the 27th, and the next session will lead them in interesting directions!

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
09 Apr 2021


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