Session 55 - Headed for Trubble

24 Fyrmont 1010 - 5 Ambyrmont 1010

General Summary

Now in town, Seraphina looks to employ a courier, but not before sharing the contents of her letter with the rest of the party (written in her flowing Elvish script):  
I would like to start off by apologizing for the confusion and intensity of our first meeting. My concern for your intentions overwhelmed my judgment. It was never my intention to bring you further pain. I would, however, like to offer some explanation of my behavior.   Lindir and I were in love. We spent many hours together walking in the forest. We shared our hopes and dreams about the future, we played with the magic of our people, and we made herbal concoctions. I was fascinated by his pure heritage, his natural talent, and his interest in me.   Unfortunately, as time went on, he started to change. He began casting spells that felt uncomfortable to me. He would set animals upon each other in ways that defied the natural order of things. He cast blight on the crops and berries. He did this all in secret (from everyone other than me). I could see a spark in his eye when he gloated about what he had done. It seemed like he was falling in love with the power.   My uncertainty and fear increased with every new spell that he learned. He started to work re-animation spells on creatures that he found dead in the forest. They didn't work well at first, but he practiced... He got better. I begged him to come back to a place of respecting nature. He laughed off my concerns and told me that I was crazy for worrying. I knew in my heart that I was right, but I doubted myself. I couldn't tell anyone. He would have turned it around on me somehow. Who would believe a half-elf...a mutt?   One day, we were out for a walk on the overgrown road by the clearing with the big oak tree. You know the one. We had been fighting (which was our new norm). I had been trying to convince him to stop. To re-align with the laws of nature. To use his magic for good. The anger stormed within him. In his rage, he split a tree. This was a tree that was hundreds of years old. It stood proud, and tall until that day. I dropped to my knees and cried. My heart as broken as the tree before me. When I looked up again, he was gone. I ran after him. His rampaging body had left a clear trail to follow. When I found him, he was standing over the body of a traveler who had lost his way and died in the woods. He uttered some words that made my skin crawl and the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I watched as the body twitched and jerked on the group. And then...its eyes opened and a gargling groan emitted from it's half-rotted jaw. I had never before felt so affronted. In my anger I drew my father's sword and cut the thing down. Lindir turned on me. I fought my way free, but as we grappled I saw the change in his face clearly. He was no longer the elf that I had fallen in love with. I broke away from his grip and ran him through. He died quickly. He did not suffer. I buried him hastily by that old oak tree in the hope that his return to nature would restore his peace. I left home that night feeling confused, ashamed, and lost.   It pains me to tell you this story. I know you loved your brother. I too loved him...with all of my heart. I do not ask your forgiveness and I will face the consequences of my actions. I only want you to understand who your brother became in the end, and that I tried everything that a naive half-elf knew to do, but that I could not bring him back.   I wish you and your family healing. I hope you will always cherish your loving memories of Lindir, as you knew him. I hope that if we meet again that this letter helps us to meet in peace.   -Seraphina
After Seraphina finds a courier to deliver the letter to Tephysea, the party plans their activities in Mirros. They decide to pay a visit to the King (if he will see them), and to do a bit of shopping in the big city. Seraphina would like to stop by the Church of Traladara, and find some gift for her mother from the big city.   On the way to the palace, to see if they can get an appointment on the King's busy calendar, they find some interesting shops and end up spending some significant money here. At the Three Gold Rings, Elincia buys some magic arrows, Leo buys a Periapt of Proof Against Poison (parting with his Mask of Many Faces in the deal), furthering his protection from his nemesis: Wyverns.   Visiting the palace, they are met with a bit of skepticism, as they announce themselves as lords and ladies of Karameikos. They explain that they don't have any specific requests of the King, but want to thank his Majesty for their appointments and pay their respects. They are asked to return in the afternoon to see if their request is approved. With that, they head over to the Black-Heart Lily for lunch, and then on to the Grand Church of Traladara, where Seraphina prays. From there they go south, to visit the Street of Dreams. Stavos gets his palm read, Seraphina finds an apothecary, where she finds some warding powders for her mother, while Elincia gets offered drugs on the street (suud).   Having burned some of the afternoon, they return to the palace to learn the status of their request. They are informed that their appointment has been approved! They must leave their weapons behind (no surprise there) and are brought to an antechamber. After a shortish-wait, a demure court attendant brings them tea and instructs them in the proper ways to address the King. After some more time passes, the King arrives - the group is happy to see him and he appears genuinely happy to see them. With him is Alexius Korrigan, cousin to the King and seneschal of the royal estate. They exchange news from Halag, including some of their exploits, and pass on best regards from Theo Hornwood and the rest of Burny's Best. In return, thy learn that Milo Korrigan, Alexius' nephew, has been named Castellan of the Barony of Halag, which supplants the Black Eagle Barony's name. Eventually they wind around to the rumors of giants encroaching into the Cruth Lowlands. It turns out they don't have much more news than the party, but Alexius mentions that they could really use better maps of the area, and if they are headed there, could give them 100g to map the area out. The party gladly accepts this offer, along with blessings to deal with the giants however they like, to claim any spoils from them as well, and plans to head back to the lowlands. They once again give the King their thanks, as he withdraws to return to his courtly duties.   They head back to the Black-Heart Lily, where they are entertained by a comical play recounting the fall of the Black Eagle Baron, heavily featuring Petra (played by Yolanda), and the bumbling Baron, with his thieving wizard Bargle. Bargle of course betrays the Baron, and the Baron is captured by the Hin army. The antics are cheered on by the crowd. Later in the evening is the main event, Yolanda. Her singing is enchanting and the party enjoys a pleasant meal. After her performance, Yolanda makes the rounds of the now very packed inn. The party engages her on the Barony and her sister Sascia. She recounts a tale of meeting the Baron in person, and that she threw her drink at him only because she didn't have her dagger handy. The party wholeheartedly agrees with her sentiment, and the evening winds down pleasantly.   The next morning they return to their ship after breakfast, and retrace their path back to Saltmarsh and then Riverfork Keep, where they spend another pleasant night with Seraphina's mother before heading into the Cruth Lowlands.   Elincia takes advantage of the opportunity to fly as an Eagle, and Leo rides her (after getting assurances that she won't dump him off!) and he draws the best maps he can while riding an Eagle. The first day passes relatively smoothly, as they are still in short range from the keep. They pass an uneventful night in the Tiny Hut, and set out again the next day, but unfortunately the wind is much stronger this day, making flight impossible, so the party all remains grounded. A few hours into their day, they encounter a band of Humans, and before they have a chance to chat, the "leader" yells out some kind of war-cry and sprints forward wildly swinging his Great Axe. Stavos, who had strode forward to begin peaceful communications, is forced to go into combat mode.   The party of course is not defenseless, and they focus their attention on the raging leader. The other humans hang back and start shooting at the party. Seeing that these Humans seem a bit tougher than the Orcs they fought the other day, Leo switches tactics after the Barbarian is taken down, and centers his new spell on the approaching troops that are shooting bows at them. He is able to hit all but one of the remaining troops, and they're struct by the debilitating mental anguish, which hinders their ensuing strikes. The combat tightens up with Seraphina, Tork, and Stavos each individually engaging a small group of warriors. Elincia and Leo try to pick off the weakened ones to even the odds in each of the pockets. Between the reduced accuracy of the enemies and the powerful attacks now employed by everyone, the battle swings favorably. No one except the enemy, now all deceased, were injured significantly. They find some gold on the warriors and Tork recognizes some of their markings as being from a clan that his own clan has clashed with in the past.   Deciding to avoid the area that these warriors had come from, the party continues on. As the sun begins to set and they are considering finding a place to rest, they see a lone figure leading two animals of some sort in the distance. The lone figure also sees the party and waves; the party waves back, hoping for a friendly encounter. The figure turns toward them, and the party does the same in return. As they get closer it becomes clear that it is an Ogre, wearing a red, knitted hat and simple traveler's clothes. Once again he waves, and the party waves back. Once they're within earshot the Ogre waves again, calling out "Hello" in a booming voice, and then asks the question, "Trade?" Leo enthusiastically replies "Hello!" and "Yes!" Closing the gap, it is clear that the Ogre's two companions are a Giant Boar wearing a pack saddle like one might put on a mule, and a giant pig. The ogre introduces himself as Gorg, and his pets, Tusk (the boar) and Dug. Leo asks what he would like to trade - Gorg digs in his pockets and says "Trubbles." Leo recognizes them as truffles and inquires how many he has to trade and for what price. Gorg has many trubbles, and trubbles are one gold for one pound. Leo considers this, and thinks this should be a good price, and maybe a bit of a money making opportunity; plus truffles are very tasty. He concludes that yes, they will buy his trubbles. It seems Dug is good at finding trubbles, and finds them for Gorg.   The party asks him many questions about the region, and he tells them of many things he has seen, including many Verns (Wyverns), a Dragon (it was dark), and lots of Giants. He confirms that there are many more Giants lately, and they raided his clan, and many other clans. They take people and make them do work for the Giants. He cautions that Giants are very dangerous; his caution seems wise. When they ask where the Giants are, he points off towards the mountains that are now visible. He also says he can bring them to see where the Giants are for 10 gold. The party agrees to this, and they can depart in the morning. He suggests that a better place to camp for the night is over by some trees, and they spend a pleasant evening together cooking some soup. Elincia gives some goodberries to Gorg, but he seems unimpressed by the small portions - the boar and the pig seem to enjoy them more. Leo suggests that they make a soup with some of the truffles, if they can find some root vegetables to flesh out the stock. He also breaks out the Jar of Honey. Gorg seems to enjoy the honey very much, and there is plenty, as they can have one gallon before it runs out for the day. Their honey-truffle-root-soup is a success, and they prepare for bed. Gorg seems fine with staying outside the hut, since he is too large anyway.   The next morning they set out for the mountains. The weather is better today, and Elincia and Leo take to the air to get a feel for the lay of the land, and before long they can see some sort of large structure, including a tower, near the base of the mountains. Clearly not far at all from the overall lowlands. Gorg confirms that this is the Giants' outpost. He also explains that there is a cave that is safe to hide in that he can show them to. Keeping well clear of the Giant compound, they have a pleasantly uneventful trip to the cave. A camp now secured, they do some quick scouting back at the giant structure, before returnng back to the cave to determine their next steps.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
01 Oct 2021


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