Riverfork Keep

A keep near the western edge of Kingdom of Karameikos, it sits on the Magos RIver, north of where it meets the Achelos Woods and the town of Saltmarsh.   Riverfork Keep is a fortified outpost that is always on guard for monsters emerging from the Achelos Woods. It serves as a key stopover point for travelers traveling between the Five Shires and Luln. The community is dominated by a small keep set atop a hill that overlooks the forest it borders. A few farms cluster around it, the locals relying on the royal garrison to keep them safe from marauders.   The outpost's most distinctive feature is the small copse of trees that grows in the middle of the keep. An ancient treant named Wander Root dwells in the keep and acts as an informal ambassador between the humans of Karameikos and the wood elves and good-aligned fey of the Achelos Woods. Years ago, knights of Karameikos helped the denizens of the forest defeat an incursion by cultists worshiping elemental evil fire. Since then, the elves, the treants, and Karameikans have observed the Wild Flame Pact — a treaty that calls for mutual defense against the Achelos' horrors.   The outpost is commanded by its castellan, Kiara Shadowbreaker, who has led many successful raids into the Achelos Woods. Kiara is a grim figure, always cognizant of the threat posed by the forest’s denizens. She sees trouble behind every piece of news, and she keeps the warriors and rangers headquartered here ready to fight at a moment’s notice. She is especially keen to hear news about the Iron Ring. Kiara is convinced that the organization poses a dire threat to the region but has failed to uncover concrete evidence of its meddling. She suspects that Duke Ludwig Von Hendriks is working with Iron Ring agents.   Riverfork provides a safe resting place before and during expeditions into the Blight Swamp or the Achelos Woods. Kiara offers a bounty for any aberration, elemental, or outlaw slain in the region. She keeps a bounty board just outside Riverfork’s gates, which occasionally offers larger rewards for the capture or killing of specific monsters or criminals.  


None in addition to the King's Law.
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