Session 67 - A Giant Relief

2 Sviftmont 1010 - 11 Sviftmont 1010

General Summary

Having finished clearing out the kitchen, the party loops back to the other side to check out the probable pantry that they passed on the way in. It is in fact a pantry, but also contains the other staircase down to the cellars below. They poke their heads down the stairs to confirm that it goes where they expect, then continue their search of the main floor.   Following their systematic clearing plan, they progress through the building. When they come to a large set of double doors, Seraphina opens it to find the main dining hall for the Giants. There are giants, Ogres, and the smaller giants, and they all become aware of the party as the large doors slowly open.   Elincia erects a Wall of Fire across the middle of the room, separating off some of the bigger Giants from the combat. The party clobbers the Ogres and Giants on this side, some of which try to escape out an exit to the right of where the party entered. Tork uses his amazing speed to chase down those that flee. Within just a handful of rounds it becomes clear that the few remaining uninvited guests to the region are leaving the area for good - the enemies that had been on the opposite side of the wall of fire fled while the party was fighting the rest.   With combat ended, the party combs through the remainder of the structure but, unsurprisingly, they do not encounter any additional hostiles. They find a few more stashes of valuables and come to an agreement with the volunteers from the tribes - a quarter of the money will be turned over to the friendly tribes. The party goes back down to attempt communication with the non-hostile Stone Giants they had ignored in the basement. Leo casts Comprehend Languages, enabling at least one-way communication. They decide that the clearest way to communicate would be to drag a Fire Giant's head to the room and see if they get it. It turns out that this works reasonably well. These giants were hired as mining consultants by the Hill Giants, and were owed a fair amount of money for their work; unfortunately, the Hill Giants won't be paying them. They get the idea, and pack up their belongings and head back to the North without a fight. The remaining loose ends are the strange altar, and what to do with this fortress.   The party decides that they should not mess with the altar without more information, but head to the hallway that leads to the altar. Elincia is able to casts a spell to turn the rock rubble into mud, allowing them to wall up the passage to the strange altar, then she casts the inverse of the spell - turning the mud back into stone. This should prevent anyone from stumbling into what may be a dangerous magical space, but allow the party to return here if needed. They decide they should talk to Ynyr to see if he has any insight to this disturbing altar and what should be done with it.   The party also makes contact with the Troglodytes, but they seem unaware of the strange passage to the altar. They are happy that the Giants are gone from the area, allowing them to return to their former way of life in the cave system.   In the end, the party decides that the tribes should decide what to do with this giant fortress. It may make for a good safe place for long winters, or perhaps a meeting space, or (if they don't plan to use it) they can always dismantle or burn it to prevent someone else from moving in. The party leaves, heading back to the allied tribes to inform them of their success.   While the party was dealing with the giants, a restructuring of the relationship between the tribes took place. They will merge and work much closer together in the future. They will also use the fortress as another safe meeting place. Tork says his goodbyes to his family again, and the party heads back to Riverfork Keep to pick up a boat ride to Saltmarsh.   They stop by to have dinner again with Seraphina's mom. She is happy (as usual) to see everyone. Seraphina asks for a recommendation for a local artisan to buy gifts for the King and for Aubreck. She ends up buying a coin purse for Aubrek and a scabbard decoration for the King's birthday.   The trip downriver is uneventful and pleasant. While traveling, Elincia sends a message to Ynyr that they would like to meet. As they pass the tower of Zenopus, they see signs of the skulls on watch again, which is a bit of a surprise to the party.   They do some basic checking in around town, selling valuables, and doing the normal accounting work. They let Captain Kazimir know they are back and check in with Eliander, who says there isn't really any news on the Iron Ring, though activity seems to have fallen off since the fall of the Black Eagle Barony.   Seraphina and Leo visit Aubrek to give him the gift from Seraphina and Leo asks about the magic and paper-based money transfer system. Leo suggests that they will likely visit the King later and could present a "white paper" to the King's assistant to try to gain some additional traction. Aubrek thinks they should be able to prepare something for that.   Elincia stops by Winston's to find that he has been able to track down the special spell component she was seeking and she buys it. They stop by Blossom's Home and find that it is looking quite good with the help Tork has been able to provide; it no longer has deferred maintenance issues. As usual she is happy to see everyone.   They have a celebratory dinner at the Wicker Goat, and while they are there a slip of paper is put into Leo's hand. Later when he gets a chance to read it, it is an invitation to visit Ynyr (by the water entrance this time please). They each go to their normal sleeping areas to turn in for the night.   Shortly after Seraphina arrives at the Temple to turn in for the night, there is a knock on her door. She is surprised to see that instead of Wellgar Brinehanded, it is Eliander. He pardons the interruption and asks if she can attest to its veracity. She reads the letter and finds it to be a translated and transcribed version of her letter to her dead ex-boyfriend's sister (Tephysea). She tells him that yes, she wrote the original. He informs her he has to arrest her, and she complies. She asks him to pass along the news of her arrest to her friends, to which he agrees.   The party has all leveled up from the Cruth Lowlands expedition.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
15 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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