Church of Karameikos

Most Karameikans of Thyatian descent belong to the Church of Karameikos, while approximately half those of mixed descent do. Many of Traladaran descent have been converted by the church‘s compelling philosophy of the “unstained spirit.” In all, about 25% of the population of Karameikos now belongs to the Church of Karameikos, and this segment of the population includes most of the landed nobles and many other powerful political figures.   The prime philosophy of the Church of Karameikos is that no evil act committed in the mortal world is so great that it cannot be purified from the spirit by great acts of self-sacrifice. Some adherents, unfortunately, consider this belief a game with rules to bend - they see the church philosophy as a means to get away with doing anything, so long as they subject themselves to the deeds of purification recommended by their church leaders after the fact.   Player characters who have committed an act that seems questionable under church doctrine have a nagging guilt about the act and should seek purification from a church cleric.   A lesser act of evil - telling a lie, for instance - may require a ceremony of purification no greater than the saying of a few prayers. One of moderate status - beating someone who did not deserve it, for instance - might require a day’s vigil and fasting under the watchful eye of a church leader. A vastly evil act - perhaps murder - may require that the character not only suffer secular punishment (punishment handed down by the courts) but also perform some great ceremony of purification, such as risking life and fortune in an adventure the church believes would benefit spiritual growth.   The Church of Karameikos can exert great influence over its devout believers. The common member feels terrified of separation from the church. Such a devastating act would result in being cut off from absolution and thus suffering perpetual grief in the afterlife. Though manipulative clerics are not common, those few who exist can demand some heavy and unusual ceremonies of purification from their followers and often get away with great abuses in this fashion.   The Church of Karameikos also seeks to discourage magical ritual that does not have direct, provable results. Into this category falls all manner of superstition, including good-luck charms, palm and card reading, and similar traditional methods of divination. As the Church of Traladara encourages these actions, the two faiths often conflict over doctrinal matters.   The Church of Karameikos attracts individuals of all moral alignments (good, neutral, and evil) and lawful and neutral ethical alignments. There are very few “chaotic” members of the Church of Karameikos.   Members of the church may have any patron immortal, though the vast majority are followers of Halav, Petra, Zirchev, or a Thyatian immortal.
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