Good Weeds, herbal shop

This is the herbalist shop of Shalana Adlar   Typically, her products are ones that effect the body or senses through ingestion or skin contact or inhalation. 80% of her potions and products are herbal and not magical, but she does have magical herbs and potions too.   She is also a healer herself and she can heal with magic or medicine.  Generally though she uses he potions, and not spells, when she does healing.   The shop is really beautiful!   The buildings on the property are made of wood that has not been altered much so that the beams are natural shaped – not just blocks of wood. They still have the curves, and bumps, and gnarly appearance of the original piece of wood. The wood his held together by a white plaster like material. So the building is white and brown and just the door and the sign are painted a bright green. She has a garden behind her shop and also a greenhouse attached to the shop. The greenhouse has a roof that is on a chain pulley and can open to allow in rain or keep out rain. There is also a tarp that is on a pulley that goes up and down under the roof to allow in more or less light in all or any portion of the greenhouse (some plants need more or less light). She has a small pond out back fed by a little creek and it has an elaborate water feeding system connected to a small watermill that turns from the flow of the creek. This picks up water and deposits into wooden troughs that carry the water to the various plants in her garden and green house. Her apartment is above the shop. She owns the buildings and gardens (she is not a tenant). She grows many different plants and herbs.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location


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