Monsignor Marucchi

He oversees the Redemptionist Church. He has a penchant for raising funds for specific objectives. Sometimes, admonished for “asking for too much” from his followers. Some of them feel he “always has his hand out”. But he does do a lot of good with the money and the church is growing and they are helping the poor, healing the sick, etc. He says “this all costs money” – and he is right. He does tend to be flamboyant though and spend money also on ostentatious displays - like finery around the alters during holy days, nice cloaks and adornments for the priests, etc. The Churches, while not yet as large or grand as those of the older religions, are nicely appointed and comfortable. Some feel this is contrary to the main mission of the church to help the poor and heal the sick. They suggest the money could be better spent on those missions than beautifying the buildings and altars. But Monsignor Marucchi is pious man, very devoted, and kind but not gullible. He is also great at giving rousing sermons that inspire people.
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization


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