The Church of the Redemption

The third most prominent religion is a relatively new one, the Church of the Redemption: About 20 years ago, a new religion garnered support mostly because one of the heroes that defeated the evil was a priest of this “new god” and reports came back from the battle that this priest and the might of his god was a major factor in the success of the mission (more on this in another section) This is now the second most prominent religion (second to Poseidon) and it is regarded as a very good and lawful church. It is called The Church of the Redemption and the followers are called Redemptionists. Its priests typically turn down appointments for official positions as this could influence them negatively – splitting their allegiance. Its priests have been known to be great healers and diviners while only a few are warrior priests. More often it is Paladins that are the warriors of this church rather than priests themselves. Some of the priests have been known to be able to cast magic that can aid in the success of battles, and as such, even when they do not enter directly into combat, they can be very helpful in a military battle. In addition, their healing is also a great help. See more detail on the Redemptionist Church below. THE REDEMPTIONIST CHURCH   The Redemptionist Church is where the people are – in the residential sections. There are many small churches of this faith. The Churches are not grand and ornate. They are plain and basic but safe and comfortable. They also run an orphanage. They feed the poor from their churches and they bring food out to the poor, they heal the sick, they look after the poor and needy – the people that everyone and every other religion ignores. Monsignor Marucchi - He oversees the Redemptionist Church. He has a penchant for raising funds for specific objectives. Sometimes, admonished for “asking for too much” from his followers. Some of them feel he “always has his hand out”. But he does do a lot of good with the money and the church is growing and they are helping the poor, healing the sick, etc. He says “this all costs money” – and he is right. He does tend to be flamboyant though and spend money also on ostentatious displays - like finery around the alters during holy days, nice cloaks and adornments for the priests, etc. The Churches, while not yet as large or grand as those of the older religions, are nicely appointed and comfortable. Some feel this is contrary to the main mission of the church to help the poor and heal the sick. They suggest the money could be better spent on those missions than beautifying the buildings and altars. But Monsignor Marucchi is pious man, very devoted, and kind but not gullible. He is also great at giving rousing sermons that inspire people. Father Phillip – he works under the Monsignor. He is a strong supporter of the Monsignor and when anyone tries to suggest the monsignor overspends, he will quickly point out that the Church has prospered under the monsignor. What matters is getting the word out to the people and the Monsignor does that well with the money. Sisters of Mercy – run by Sister Alma – she is a devout follower who has dedicated herself to the Church and runs the Sisterhood of Mercy. This order exists because of donations from the people and the Church and the sisters devote their lives to aiding the poor and the children and assisting the priests with reaching out to the people. She is most often found in the poor districts working tirelessly with other volunteers and other sisters of her order helping the people in any way they can. She is said to be a good healer and parents bring sick children to her for healing. She has been known to directly denounce wealthy people who, in her opinion, do not do enough for the underprivileged. She is also good at finding funding for programs or any need that directly helps alleviates a burden on the poor. She is not afraid to directly ask or even “tell” someone that they need to do something for this cause or that cause. She seems to deal well with the “upper class” and probably was of that class in her earlier life.   Orphanage – run by the Sisters of Mercy – the head of it is Sister Mary. She is often trying to find things for the kids to do other than just sit around. Often she asks local merchants to employ some of them or find tasks for them or she asks people to take some of the kids to the shore area or out on a day outing. She can “pop up” in the most unusual places and at the most unusual times and start “placing” the kids with people to do things with them. Although she can be determined, she is pleasant and nice and often his heard to give a blessing to those who help the kids and to tell them things like “good things come to those who do good deeds”. She will sometimes take in a kid who has gotten in trouble with the City Guard and is facing jail. Often times the guards will approach her with this option as she has a good reputation for turning unruly kids around. He orphanage is well funded because some of its prior children are now success and they give back to the cause and they often employ the kids and take the kids out for day trip or even multi-day vacations.

Public Agenda

No public agenda. They feed the poor, house the homeless, heal the sick, take care of orphans, and do good deeds.


Several buildings that operate as Churches - not grand but nice.   Several buildings that operate as hospitals, soup kitchens, orphanages, day care centers, homeless shelters
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Redemptionist Church
Subsidiary Organizations

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