Sister Alma

she is a devout follower of the Redemptionist Church who has dedicated herself to the Church and runs the Sisters of Mercy. This order exists because of donations from the people and the Church and the sisters devote their lives to aiding the poor and the children and assisting the priests with reaching out to the people. She is most often found in the poor districts working tirelessly with other volunteers and other sisters of her order helping the people in any way they can. She is said to be a good healer and parents bring sick children to her for healing. She has been known to directly denounce wealthy people who, in her opinion, do not do enough for the underprivileged. She is also good at finding funding for programs or any need that directly helps alleviates a burden on the poor. She is not afraid to directly ask or even “tell” someone that they need to do something for this cause or that cause. She seems to deal well with the “upper class” and probably was of that class in her earlier life.
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