
Triton mostly live underwater in very deep seas or oceans. Rarely have they come onland in the last few human generations. They are peaceful and have good relations with all species other than Merefolk with whom they often find themselve in conflict. They have two legs, ending in feet, thus they can walk on land, and they have fins on their shins for movement underwater - and fins on their arms often too. They have gills on their necks - which can be covered by higher collars on shirts or jackets when they go onland.  And the gills usually are not overtly large.  Their ears tend to be more elflike than human.  They tend to be more muscular than Sea Elves and they tend to live deeper in the oceans than Sea Elves. There main competitors where they live are Merefolk  There skin us usually light blue, but some are lighter, almost human colored.


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