Republic of Cepro

The Republic of Cepro was once one of the great kingdoms of the Age of Kings, a beacon of trade, industry, and free thinking. Now, beaten back to a fraction of it's size, it remains a beacon, regarded as many as the home of the Resistance.

Early History

Nothing of what is currently the Republic of Cepro was initially part of the same nation, and even less so before the rise of the Empire of Shar. A varied collection of small nations and city-states vied for the region for the majority of the Age of Gods, using war, trade, guile and faith to sway and shift borders. As it was discovered by distant nations, this nebulous region became known as the "Tide of Princes," a land regarded by cartographers as a waste of time to draw borders for. Life in this part of the world was short for many, but adventure and reward was aplenty.

The Game of Three Kings

The faiths of the individual tribes began to meld and fuse over time, as did their politics, and in 1e 2235 the land was divided into three now unified nations. To the North was the Kingdom of Gala, a theocratic Kingdom that claimed divine lineage as the only right to rule. To the Southwest was the Cepresian Free Cities, a union of city-states tied together by powerful merchant guilds in the circle sea. And in the Southeast was the Legion of Silitus, a military dictatorship that made alliances with the remaining nearby tribes to replenish their military numbers after repeated military actions. For the next two millennia, what is remembered by historians as the Game of Three Kings played out in a series of wars, political upheavals and religious revolutions as each nation used whatever means they had, discrete or direct, to absorb the other two.

Birth of the Republic

The period known as the Game of Three Kings came to a close by the unified efforts of the Free Cities and the Legion, and backed by an overwhelming surplus in recruitment at the promise of a new, fairer form of government. Overwhelming the Kingdom of Gala with ease, the two independent nations joined into the now unified Republic of Cepro, a vast empire guided by the hand of an elected senate.   The early years of the Republic were rocky, as the Senate did not turn out to be the total upheaval of the system that many were promised. While it was true that many of the various races and faiths that were overlooked by the previous governments had a voice in the new senate, the biases that held through the preceding governments granted inherent advantages to certain groups, and the many tactics learned and employed during the Game of Three Kings found new use in maintaining a status quo amongst the senate. Still, with an end to the turmoil that plagued the region for living memory and beyond had finally come to an end, and with peace came growth and prosperity. The merchant guilds of the former Free Cities grew even more powerful with a widening network of connections and allies, and with the formation of the Diocese of Pianzia in the West the time for alliances seemed to be at hand, lest the world's major empires throttle everyone into chaos. In 2e 4869, a little more than a century before the Age of the Empire, the Republic of Cepro formed a military alliance with the Diocese of Pianzia, a friendship that would later form the foundation of the Resistance.

War With the Empire

When contact with the Oracle was first made and the Empire of Shar was born, the Republic of Cepro was slow to act as their rivals in the Kingdom of Arga were among the first to be absorbed by the Empire, but when their allies in Pianzia were next, the Republic was quick to honor their alliance. Unfortunately, the Shar forces turned out to not only be relentless and well-organized, but extremely well informed as each attempt to push back their onslaught was decisively rebuked. Soon, Imperial forces were pressing on the counterattack, pushing into Republic territory. While the senate bickered and argued over an appropriate response, key figures in the military and the merchant's guild foresaw the looming threat, and dispatched agents to every major nation in the world to form a unified military to combat the Empire of Shar. Responses were varied, and scant from the nations past the Western mountains, but with help from their allies in Pianzia, Arga, Borum and a number of the smaller nations, a formal resistance was organized, and headquartered in the senate building at the capital city of Pastowen.

Nation Info

  • Empire Name: Republic of Cepro
  • Empire Ruler: High Councellor Erustus
  • Dominant Religion: Way of Pereste
  • Population: 23.8 millionĀ 
Geopolitical, Republic
Neighboring Nations


Formerly two of the world's largest empires, Cepro and Pianzia spearhead the resistance against the Empire of Shar.


For most of history, Lublesia's piracy was one of the key factors preventing Cepro from controlling the Circle Sea. Now, however, their privateer fleets have proved invaluable in stemming the Imperial tide.


The Republic of Cepro was one of the first to recognize the threat the Empire of Shar possessed, and formed the resistance to combat it.